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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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FGRD GAR PARTS F 9 385 CAIIIIIETOI PAIT N I7A 95I0 F CAIIIIIITOI SIIVICI IAITS LIST I I6 nIInu d A nn mln umnnon mr Nunn nmznnrou s I BIZ PBEUV I Sidi last ldle cam ever I B1 B5 I l K S5 mg iump lever sdjusfulg screw 1 9 diameter I BTK 9 YH H Sglimng accell pump ZKapl1Yagm return Z B K UU K Wa ller last idle rod seal N0 I2 24 x 3 4 Oval head I EIR HKU B P1st0n euEmahc cEoEe 1 355825 S I l Nut Elston tu choke housl gj N0 B Q 2 BTH 5 0 K c ket E mp discharge nozzle at punnp 1 34 02 S7 Luckwasher Nu 8 discharge screw I BHK BH K clamp thermostatic choke houslmz 3 316El SB 056 Screw clamp housing N0 8 82 x 1 2 5 WU wml L kw N 8 I BH 9818 E Houslng eliake Hermosa I B I gums H 1 8 E Plugs l H R l S 3597 7 SKEBSU Screw E washer cluilie Housmg to l mln b Y 8 2 X I Z5 serviced in lm 0502 l B IK UH E I Cunlrnl lhermosmtic cEEl e l i 3z D 42B O D 031 thlck i l CAIIIIIITUI PART II I7A 95I0 G CAIIUIITOI SEIVICI PARTS LIST Ih 47 L BH 9502 Gasht set L 1 B7AZ 0A5a0 D Kll length has cumpresswn type seal operatlnl iITleS lulemf iillister new T d d by m No MA 1 3 70050 S2 Screw accelerator pump lever BB537 edlusnlngl NO 10 02 X s0 nu 1 ea 9520 B Kn rnccelerawr pump V l head slotted consists ol the lollowlng acceleratcr pul np lever l Ball sszs B Cover 4 aszso s MM2l9 adjusting N0 10 32 x 26 Screw El washer 4 859757 S2 Screw washer 1 BHAZ 0As0 l c Bum xl plugs mane p l na 1 BBA 9528 B Nn B 3Z x 50 e L Nu s 02 x 5 s 1llusm nd used BBA 9528 B wm BBA 9559 D E lloat bowl I l 5 G 24 x 1 B B 1A 9512 E Nu 53 0 to 5 000 ft altitude pump llnk tp vent lev p 2 5 953Tl K7N 5I 5 UUU Yi IUI UW L EItEwa und nlnln lm 2 5 lm H i B l L 2 SWK 953 B et msli metering wEeYusEH wllll l B 7A 9512 R 1 rm 49 0 to 5 000 lt altitude S 2 7U 95 3 H WMU 5 UUU 16 Um It Bmtude 5 BB67 body N0 12 24 x al lllllsler new 2 5 957345 Nm 7 IU W7 I5 UUU ih 1 d fr 1 B7AZ 9A535 C Lever iast idle Dick uv I BBTZ 9A518 A Gasket maln meterlrls b0dv Drimarv 1 B 3 ever ast idle ad ust 1 DTAZ BASIS A Sprlrlg lloat Z S Screw luckwasher lever to mein body N0 10 32 X 3 B prlng rattle shalt return continued on next page l