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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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382 N FORD FIR PARTS CAIIURITOR IAIT Na I7A WHO I CAIIIIIITDI SIIVICI PAITS LIST N 6 e Z2 mr Nusa weumeu Q an umu nscurnon nm Z 75 9533 K No 5 5 1700 to 10 000 H raltiE1H r 2 70 0500 F N 10 10 000 t 15 000 ft a 5 2 70 0500 0 M m 1 m g e 0500 W10 mA 0512 Q N 48 0 t 5 000 ft altitude T Z 500 9009 U N0 07 5 000 tv 10 000 0 altitude Z 70 9500 U 1 10 00 i0 000 to 15 000 lt altitude r pump operating I E K Z 9K5 5 C Eever last 1 e identified by stamped N0 3SA I B Z 555U K Leger last 1HIe adjusting EB537 adjusting N0 1D 32 x 5G hex 1 42BO2 SB U 33 Screw K lockwasher lever to main head slotted I b cly j 10 az x 3 all ccelerat0r pump lever f me 1 V 2 B7 9501 0 Neeale 13Ie miiustine A BBA 952g B 1 B IK HEIS B Plate cliche R H I H II 95 46 B SEER and lever choke l metering 1 2 IAZ QB549 A Dashpot 1 00023 S7 M32 N t 5 0 24 2 3480S S 7 X64 Lockw lsher 5 1 Q i i B IK SH12 Q y mam 3 I 3701553 S PPE Plug fuel level cheek I H 0 9500 E 4 EI 9 5 16 24 x 1 uv l 351026 stxxzl Retainer f1uatbowl l 1 1 B 1AZ 913550 B Bracket tdashnwt m nt1 s oe a eher No IU l 1 050700 S7 F Bmw l0 01 0t t thmtde Myl f BE11 No 10 24 x1 2 1 il1ister head I BH2 WSH 1 I Biffle float 7 1 BUS 9557 B Vslve Hoat Bowl vent 1 I B K 9509 w1 E P H I PL d by BVA 0550 D 0 HW 0520 0 I body N0 12 24 x B1 fillister head wwf l lSvK BSEB 1 Eowl s plugs Illoazyuse with lm 0500 A 1 1 v 0001 01 507 C I 359747 S2 Screw iu llf vi Ki plugs to esl li main I BB809 body No 12 24 X 2 5G 1 awe ueie mma1r X 3 length has compression type seal I 351055 SHWM2UNut 5Y16 H An TT SZKUE S7 XH4 Lockwasller 5716 V r 1 BIKZ 9525 K Cam accel 5r pump diaphragm I s5 10s sill 121 Connector carb to tubes to fuel pump operating Sz distributor vacuum diaphragm 1 ElDHG SH Screw pump cam No G SZ x 5716 used with power bra kes bra ss fillister head 90 elbow l T4957 S7 XH ZoERwasher No G eiterns EH 1 358165 5 H G5 Connector d sEbutor vacuum tube to carb 1 S pipe thread consists of the Ioliowing I BIKE YH55 9 E DisplEagm accelerator pump 1 BBA 9528 B Cover 4 43250 S Screw ls washer 4 359757 S2 vent operating Screw K washer rod 4 l3 Z5U S U TU Screw E I0 kWasHer accel pump Yatmg rod spring No 5 32 x 5D rr 4 43g55 gg U 14 sm ew E washer a cel pump cover EBI 956L lm Ik H N0 8 321 5 8 fi1lister hd used to attach BBA 9528 B cover to 1 BEE 95HZ H Valve E seat fuel inlet BBA 9559 D E float howl 1 E IKZ 7K5G5 K Economizerjstamped YTGTG5 2 HHH 9533 et main mefermg when used with M 7 B lA 9512 E EEK BEEF B Retainer pump operating lever split Ne 52 0 m 5 000 IL altitude vent vi ve continued on next page