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following M 1 BYAZ 9502 A Gasket set less B5A 9909 A Gasket l COAE 9A565 A Economizer assy 1 COAE 9564 B Needle seat assy 1 B7A 9631 A Diaphragm assy pump ...
COAE 9564 B Needle seat assy 1 COAE QB559 C Dia hra m um l COAE 9A565 A Economizer ass D ES D P Y n Refer to Grvu 119510 for complete Carburetor identifier tion
Gasket set 2 COAE 9564 B Valve inlet r 1 BSA 9503 B Diaphragm secondary 1 COAE 9A565 A Valve economizer 1 BSA 9504 D Spring secondary diaphragm 8 B7A 9586 E Screw throttle plate ...
COAZ 9502 A Gasket set 1 COAE 9A565 A Valve economizer 2 26H 9533 Jet main No 57 4 B7A 9586 E Screw throttle plate 1958 model only 2 B9A 9586 A Screw choke plate
CIAE 9564 A Needle seat assy 21 ClAE 9B546 A Retainer float lever 1 COAE 9A565 A Eeonomizer assy 1 COAE 913559 C Diaphragm assy
QA511 94599 9A565 1 I Q 9A588
9A565 9A588 370899 5 9538 9 3753 2 4 9586 9578 9849 31165 5 9844 34052 5 1 9563 8 34079 S 9343 8 34903 5 9842 M9 9930 34822 S 1 7 1150 SUPPLIED
fgcifhs 04 9523 9512 5 Ezgf 1 M 45555 5 E 4 9 588 9518 9501 9525 9A565
9A565 1 Q 1 3 34803 8 31644S nc 9302 1 1j 15 xi 1 eg 9B549 1 1956 57 NOZZLE
pump 2 35l826 S Retainer float 2 Valve inlet 2 352200 S Retainer throttle rod l DBAZ 9A565 A Valve economizer l 3536lO S8 Retainer choke rod leB5A 9576 A Ball secondary check
1A11 1 When used to rep12ceB 7A9904 A 111 42 45 51 55 1 COAE 9A565 A 1 1 1 1 also use B714
35125 gj i Z 9609 9 r 9 m 9985 9616 I1 1 6 351256 S 9A565 l 2492 5 1 85 lg 4 9A528
9a01 43365 S 9526 5 1 9A588 Q QD O 9A565 95113 5 9516 6 O 7 9586 24205 S f 1 fx 5 31646 5 gg 9585 4 Q as Used with FORDOMATIC Only
Valve inlet 2 59A 9533 C Jet main No 47 with F M l COAE 9A565 D Valve economizer Tag Code DBAOBA and with S T 4 B7A 9586 E Screw throttle plate except
Gasket set 2 COAE 9564 B Valve inlet l B 7A 9503 A Diaphragm secondary 1 COAE 9A565 A Valve economizer l DSA 9504 B Spring secondary diaphragm 8 B7A 9586 E Screw throttle plate
Screen filter 2 COAE 9564 B Valve assy inlet 1 371350 S Ball pump check 1 COAE 9A565 A Economizer assy 57 5 S i ti 8 312 5 i fl l lllrn