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Float r 1 74271 57 R1 Retainer spring ast idle rod tor 1 B7AZ 913550 A Bracket dashpot mounting bellcrank 3 K2 2 aazsz ss U 77 Screw at washer dashpot mellllllllg 2 asllssss XXSU
choke l h0usirlg C Washer 1 1 com 9550 A l 1 a l 1 1 BBAZ 913550 A Bracket daehpol mounting N0 8 36 hex l 1 mzsz ssluvvi Screw za washer dashpot msumag
coms 9550 A Float 2 2 0 D 56 lvns 1 BEAZ 913550 A Bracket dashpot mounting I 52 S lv f1 Screw cv washer daahpm 0 1 bracket to carb
spacer lsecnndarv ur ottle ulate 2 earn asso A Float L S R l A Bm 913550 5 umm dashpot mmmtlng 5 m 1 356736 178 Screw bracket to throttle body
uunnn m r m vm M I EEK BSI Z K lisket set l B7AZ 913550 B Bracket dashpot mounting J 1 r me s a Screw bracket no throttle body
CDAE B55D A Float I I 1 CDAZ 9A5B6 A Kit tune up 1 B8AZ 913550 A Bracket daehpot mounting 1 BBKZ 9550 C Repair kit 1 BBA 9558 A Pin iloal hinge 1 c2AZ
steel 1 1 BBAZ 913550 A Bracket dashpgLmountln z 1 1 359353 S PP58 Plug to plug hole from bowl In 1 l 43252 SB U77 gore Sz washirsdgshpgtigiountzig accelerewr pump
stxxzl Retainer f1uatbowl l 1 1 B 1AZ 913550 B Bracket tdashnwt m nt1 s oe a eher No IU l 1 050700 S7 F Bmw l0 01 0t t thmtde Myl f BE11
attaching parts Mol il 011 irunt carburetor use C1Az 913549 A dashpct l31Az 9B502 A screw B5Az 913550 A bracket and attaching parts U Service package includes 1 each B 9242 A lerrule