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devexupea Wav za a1 1 1 user QKEYSYK 1 length make from SC 2269 A 82 L bulk tubing 2 87944 SB iittin 1 54 A 8 1 239 W 1 Q dia 24 developed ...
pump s 16 umu tube 28 31 82 ...
35H2B6 SKH YY 1 A 5 16 flared tube 72 hex 8 31 82 1 1 6 A11 1 Fitting me HrHtube to u t 23 24T25
housing to mali l1 Hy I H2 S PCI Retainer spring 3732 fast idle cam No 8 82 x I 1 2 fillister head gl bella any I HSHEEE SHE Washer ...
accel pump Ltnk to vent I HFIIU SIIIIIH Lockwasl ler 571 lever rod to cover spring 3 82 I I 5UlU lU IY7 Connector ca h to tubes to fuel pump 1 B 1AZ 9A52D
filllster head E E9A essc I ser Tev elle plate No 6 82 oval hd 4 z z s Lever Vshaft second thr0ttle plate Screw E wz her shield to neuelaai ...
952B B Cover 443250 S head slotted Screw washer 4 859757 82 1 s l00s2 s2 Sleeve nul accelerator pimp lever Screw rr washer Ml 1219 adjusllng No l0 32 x 26 4 EE55
Screw reel idle earn stop I EEK No I0 32 x 173 B 1 82 O D 035 thick 7 T 4 sIH6 8TX6 2YT ekw eener eereen ee ma in body 174I ...
pump rod seal I acm 9536 B Spring purdp piston operating rod 26 LD J2 0 D 82 tong upper 270 I D 814 O D B coils 3 19 long 22 coils 1 BSAZ
Screw choke control to body vacuum OUZ 0 8 use as service No 8 82 x 1 5 8 fillister head replacement for BBA 9997 A tube only 3 SIE S GXH L ckwaghe1 ...
washer assy cover to 2 Buxz QKEZLI let m i S a Y diaphragm hsg No 8 82 x 1 2 0 to 15 000 ft a 1titude
82 I 38 40 45 gg 57 A 5 IGRIKI KH I Waslier l uelH vacuum pump I I rocker um llnk spacer ...
nAl1 23 24 25 27 1 EAA 9887 A I 28 31 82 54 A 8 289 I IZ9 30 33 34 1 55 IA S 6 8 All I Use with
Yroduct Service Lett HE EH 1 W mAz 6K6a6 B 1 EV 1A s F 5 s 82 3521 scm i lower vent ductkimanilcald ...
VVVV V VV V VH 239 1 l l2 i l T1ge O DVV1 82 long V I V VBBA 6656 B 6651 BUSHING OIL PUMP DRIVE IDLER GEAR
throttle 4 HBH S7 XHU IEcRwasheriNo IU 1 1 1 B4K EEE K Plate throttle 1 BZK 82 X Gashet luel inlet l ltt ng l 2 tl M6 SH 1 B7K NYU A N5zHeV ...
long 13 colls 3 3 37646 S7 l EK 993E K Spring accel purrfp diaphragm No 6 82 x 7 18 illlister head return cone shaped B coils 2 353799 S8 A1 BZAZ
muster lead d TtH 6YtI diapl T agm BB823 No 10 82 X 5 16 b 9 l me Na 1104 14 1 No B 32 x 1 2 filllster head nd iy secondary throttle ...
DUUKSEE scr P Y llivme Prates m primary throttle shaft lever huuslug No 6 82 x 8 I Bm WWE scmw E m Pme 5 as H E V Flaw UPEYRUHE
lever to lever 1 BBKZ WA 0 B Shaft E2 lever choke 447 BBB23 assv No 10 82 x 5 IG truss head with BBA 9S4l A housing only 4 I CDSZ l CUEE WKBHU ...
Eockwashei No 0 l 1 370004S 7 BB4l Screw throttle lever adjusting V l V No 10 82 x 50 S4 hex head l BBE HKU K HouSmg
9A53S A Gasket b0 Slel Venturi support I E K 50B E gttrew throttle plate N0 8 82 x 42 1 ever ast idle adjust oval head tubular 1 1 a zz sms asew ...
idle adjusting l BB37 No 10 82 X 94 filllster head 1 CEKZ K5 E E Gasket econvmlzer I s 4 l5 1lY sllmwai N 17 lever tn mseeele shan
Screw cable to trans to accelerator shalt 1 27081 S8 U175 No 10 82 x 1 Z 1 1 5575B S C11 cable ta trans to accelerator shalt 1 357946 SBEGISZ W ommmee came thru
solenoid to front seat adjusting 6 26457 S7 UlG I W A re ulator ball N0 B 82 x l 4 I Lockwssher No 1O 6 MB02
positioning motor 14771 1 Wiring ass y trans overdrive so1enoHit fe ay 14 82 1 Swl c J wiring ass y seat regulator control 14773 Wlrin ass win ow regu ator rear switch feed 14A027
ground wi1 e to housing Ne 1 14 15 16 17 1B 82 x 5 16 iillister head
wlth arter carburetor 1 sifb7A 772 57 59 A with S T it 0 D TVEBVVV Z 82 from ball ioirtt center to rod end used 1 B7A 9772 1 2 1 with zuverncr
adjusting needle 1 5 1Dl S7 Screw nnrmal idle E us i11 gl n BB536 N 1l 82 x 1 speclalhex head slotted
Screw throttle plate No 6 32 0val hd E BSK SESS K Screw choke plate No 6 82 eval hd I EK SB71 A Gasket automatic choke piston hsg mV l oval head tubu1a
fill1ster head 5 7 I D 15 O D 015 thick 1 coma NT2 I No 10 82 x 5 B 57 I D 75 0 D 015 thick B4AZ 1 asa 5 sllios
Screw cover to housing l EEK Y 5K K piston accelerator pump N0 6 82 X 5 16 fillister head 1 351025 S XXgl Retainer accelerator pump piston washer Plate eheke
9K4Z A Clamp ther mostztle choke noulrl f ggg 3 BIWLSBIUEO Screw clamp houslnz No 8 82 x 172 3 QHIIZQ WYE ieckwasher
valve to main body venturl N 10 32 1g 44 flllister hd cover G plugs No B 82 x 5 1B I EEK Ys K Horn air I BGKZ 5524 H Cover KE plugs fnan
Aluminum 1 7B7A 5151 82 A7 7 1 1 1L H 1 B 7A 5151983 A 1 11 1 1No Kx Crass recessp nY1eaHse11 a13p1ngs
82 x 1 Cross recess binding head screw TUT6UY1 i ss7ss 61A HB ronf
Shield choke thermostat vn l dv i I 4 H sa u 1Z1 Screw 82 washer sh1e1a to meme C 0 to 5l DOO It altitude No 8 32 X 3 B fllltster head
long l 44 l10 SB X10 www Nn a lat 1313536 No 10 82 x l sueciai hex head slotted continued on next page
PHmu y S B 11 N 11 5 8 4 lam 9500 1 serew Ktlirottle plate Noj 82 x I2 oval rreemtulruler 2T9T SHG K 4 crew cHoke pl ele l 1uTs a2 even
choke housllllll i to 5 mq L altitude 3 31061 S lU50 Screw clamp housin3 N B 82 X 1 2 3 51562 87 25g Lockwasher N0 B on body
rrsw i saws s I KUXZ 95I5 K Retainer accelerator pump lston 1 82 O D czswthick I BZXZ 5575 K Retainer vacuum d1st ball check valve e g e eed 1 1 me LLKBB
95BB K Screw GGOttle pTate N0 E 32 x El 9l D 2TA oval head N0 B 82 x 59 slotted blndzlng head 2 Screw choke plate Nc 6 32 x 31 nut supplied with
diameter I EXE 0521 A Horn air 2 Egx 0500 K Screw choke plate No 6 82 oval hd 5 81620 S I U5HI Screw air horn tn main body Z EEA 9586 K Rlvet
serv ce H kn me liaTtFa 4d lever umke stamped asu A N 8 82 K1 4 B UWN 7YlNn shai Ca lever to main body
VVVVVYVV77 BBA 5726220 A 2 N0 H 82 x JU Pan lg dVsgx 1 35 4Z S8 EB612 4 5 8 T T T 26222 3 GUIDI ASSY IEA DOOR WINDOW
82 0 D 9 32 high
throttle shaft 1 359353 S PY H Plug to plug hole from bowl to No 10 82 hex 1 accelerator pump 1 8 cup I 3ZUU K XB l lZoc asher
Clamo thermostatic choke housing F BB on rol ermostaflHl7o re S we Scre we 82 I D 428 0 D 031 thick 7 mam bod No 8 3l x 1 25 CAIIIIIITOI PAIT
Bearing choke shalt CAIIIIRITOI PART Na IIA 95I0 Q CAIIUIITQI SIIVICE IAITS LIST Na 82 i Hn1 5U E eeket set I y3 Rod meteMng e 2 BVAZ 9A5Z6
HB08 S 1 X60 Lockwasher No l0 oval head I 2 Screw choke plate No 6 82 x 51 oval head 1 seas gmac s1r1y assy main 4A Y 1 nzaz QA588 KVM Gasket iecckaaal
2764a sv Screw jet mam well to main body 1 servicecarburetors Order separately No 6 82 x 1 16 Allister head 1 12923 s1 Ms2 Nut 5 10 24 not supplied wuh 2 assvss
thick 28 31 82 54 A 3 239 29 30 34 1 1 55 56 A 1 B 272 1 Gasket ajr cleaner to carb 1 1 1 1 used in BSA 9600 B cleaner
Screw nu cme place rTs sz x 1z BB40 No 10 82 x 1 Z5 illlister head Oval head t b lm 1 HW s f M1sz Nut lever lc throttle shaft K Screw choke
head 55 5 97A T7T23 7 p1u aesy t0 fuel pump muy 1 1 1 N0 10 82 x 625 pan head 1 1 1 9349 REPAIR KIY FUEL PUMP
TANK VENT UPPER TUIE ss A except S 51A 2 long l wide 1 4 thick w7tIIree9 82 d1a h 1e 1 B5A 9050 A 906I IIACKET FUEL TANK FRONT SUPPDIT
tube intermediate Sr high includes 1 BBA 7 02 A 1 1 rubber insulator 3 2 1 82 mg W57 A e1 Gear awe me intermediate 5 high lncWH eE ml 1aoz s 1 rubber
Screw choke control to Body 1 CZAZ QASBB A Gasket economizer repl by No B 82 x 1 5 B lillister head C2AZ QASBB B 5 63 1 CEAZ SKSHE E Gasket economlzer 1 EBKZ
using 1 BBA 9577 B Nozzle pump discharge 3 3llTHl SEU50 Screw clamp housing No B 82 x 1T2 A1 50420 S7 Screw pump discharge nozzle 3 SZEUZ S7 X59 Lockwasher
attach B8A 9528 B cover to 2 BSK SEEK K Screw choke plate No 6 82 oval hd BBA 9559 D E float b w1 2 AHAZ 9A5Btl A Gasket fuel level check plug serviced
32xl1 B CH ssrecesspmIEeadscrew 1 5085738 Z A z washer Ass y n 1 1 No 10 82 x I 2 Cross recess pun head screw
IIIPLE SHEAVE PUI LEY 56 5 1 14 77 7 772722 6 82 OJ1 ZK7U Irip1esheaveHeptlEZH H 5U I EEK 119 B 1 1 1 312 sm ave wmm uw with mm moung
clamp thermostatic choke houslmz 3 316El SB 056 Screw clamp housing N0 8 82 x 1 2 5 WU wml L kw N 8 I BH 9818 E Houslng eliake Hermosa I B I gums
BZAZ 9945 A Gasket fuel inlet Seat screw 1 2 78 95 76 Ball accelerator pump check 82 LD 428 O D 031 thick 1 mv alameter I Serviced ln 959U kit only T Servlced
PARTS LIST Nu 2 l I Ll l s s s Lockwasher No I0 1 No 10 82 x 5 B S Zire gmk jg r lever swwen 1 a1sa6 sv Screw choke level
overall length 59 S 8cvl 43 COMP 7 1178 B 1 l 2 20 x 2 82 overall length 58 A S I 33943 SH M36 l Nut rear hand adjusung screws
f77W B 82 x 5 1 ruvec f W OA 7021752 4 am 10 W 55 60 W R H 13 80 long
with F M 512 F 4 Ecz z QE 1F B7A 9510 X 7AE 9510 A 82 I W 57 A s r 312 i I 1 4 B7AE 9510 AICDMEZJ 1G 22 E7AE
5H26BD1 B 1 I I N 10 82 x 1 I Bidding head maghhle screw i 50555 S8l U160 2 I W 7 N0 10 Lnckvgasher 1nterna1
PARTS v 729 SICTION IIO 82 REAINER DOOR OUISIQ UPPER MOULDING 7 7 59 W 51A 59D 83A 64A 64B S4I 1 Fronf door W W BQA 6421082 A 4 W W ssA ssc 1s1a
head coned suriace underneath J slde oi head 56 5 1 BGA 7954 5 1 24 x 82 85 speclal heed
pprox eve ope leng sq 58 pprZ U dE 5 8 ppro 59 cy e pprox 5 82 Heveloped engE 5 gy a sl pprnx 2 eve ope ength
XX115 3 16 thlck 55 57 3 J A WTHYU Cutler pln 8 82 x 1 A K l2084
BSSZ 9A0ll A 55 58 A except S D S W 7 3 H 16 x 6 82 long includlng loop nn one end 2 BSAZ
woodruli key 57 8 cyl 312 w 0 S C S T 27 45 l0ng 32 stralght 82 helical 29 stralght 1 CIAR 7061 A 5 1 59 Taxi Cabs
L0ckwesher 5 1S 34808 S7 X64 55 7 S 8 82 31 Includes bracket approx 18 43 G4 developed 1 B5S 6754 B lenzth
c2Az 65 11 13 V 3 82 vera1 iengt1t 97 LB 43U T1HlEI u Bas 5571 K Ys T N g Exhause a Bas 5571 3 6572 ILUG VALVE QQQEM 5HAH
wlth Select Aire Screw register to instrument p 1nsl 1 5 50475 S8 1 N0 B 82 x 2 cr0ss recessed oval head 59 A 8 cyl with Select Aire Nut register to instrument panel
Gasket blower housing to dash 4 N0 10 12 X 3 S tanning screw 2 N 1c 82 Nut st washer ass y 2 Na 10 Fmwasiasr IIS70 GASKET HEATER T0 DASH
except Slnliner 01 4975 SYW V W r N 7 7 1 3 4 diameter 82 1r n stsniped A9AA 5255 B A1 ABAA 5255 B 52 ss s n s w 8 cyl AQAA
Moulding Cover Retainer 8 Clips 1 V Moulding 8 Screw 8 Washer ass y N0 B 82 7 B8 Alexcepf RATE E E Wi 777 7 7 7 B HH HELL
82 sscrnon sz FORD 0IR PIRTS l 7 5255 PIPE MUFFLEI 0U LEI continued KK l1 5 5s vsstms Club ssasn Town ssdsn Rl I Dualexlmus
deflector to tender 2 57 S Screw deflector to deflector shone end Y 42904 S8 N0 10 82 x 1 Z Screw deilector to grille 8 57 S H l 0cl wa sher
Inti raftler Bumper arm 7 9 UGH De ector rear mper stone outer 17 Am bumper 17 82 m ron umper inner xtensmn rear umper arm 15 Arm mt umper ou er mm Arm rear