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accel purrfp diaphragm No 6 82 x 7 18 illlister head return cone shaped B coils 2 353799 S8 A1 BZAZ 9945 A Gasket fuel inlet seat screw z2 LD 42B O D 031 uupk
11111 sm head 1 BZAE 9518 A Body E shalt ass y throttle 2 A 353799 S8 Screw jet E main well to m n Body me throttle body eesy
bocliriasller No IU 7 No 6 32 x 7 16 itlllster head 2 353799 SB Screw yet E rniln we to mali Body Q l T No 6 32 x 75 fllllster head
carburetor 0rdez separately Nc 6 32 x 7 15 Allister head nu A 2 353799 SB Mr Screw jet R1 mainrwell to maln body 1 CDAZ 9K5U7 K BWI E pl z SSy float
main well to main body 3 3B x 1 Z szruoved No 3 32 x 44 3 353799 SA Screw yet main well to main body 1 EAA 954BeA Plate choke
fava1 sv I BBA L 3 1 1 2 358610 Smmlzcllletailier Sprimz tvpe 44 lomz 2 V 353799 SH Screw jet mai well to main bcdvl N0 B 32 X 75 lll head
600en 15 000 tt altitude Z 353799 511 Screw jet at main well to main body 1 IB GSH B Needle idle adjusting l 3 7l6 lon No 6 32 x 75 1 CUAE