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iill hd M to secondarv throttle shaft 2 DQS 9976 A Spring vacuum piston V V 3155
SKXBBU Washer secondary throttle shift lever no secondary throttle shaft g 3155 L D x1 2 O D flat BT 1 B Gasket choke coil housi i d operatmg over vacuum p s un BE823
plug T aeher secon aryt rd He shall ever 11111 111 025 to secondary throttle shaft 3155 1 1 X1 z 0 o 1111 1 B7A 95B3 C Lever secondary throttle diaphragm choke housing
lever 1 BBA 984B D Coll housing to secondary throttle shaft 21 BSA 9849 A Piston housing 3155 LD x 1 Z 0 llat I B IA 9853 C Gasket 1 B7A 95B3 C Lever