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Refer to Distributor Identification 12210 Charts for Calibration Codes wIRE ASSY PRIMARY TERMINAL 12216 Without diagnostic system C7VY 12216 A A H C DW 34 A With diagnostic system D4OZ 12216 ...
diagnostic system D3TZ 12216 A C DW 48 NUt NO 6 32 34051 S7 M 154 A lj c Q L0ckwaSher N0 6 34801 S7 X 58 A lil c j Screw
Refer to Distributor Identification Charts 12210 for Caiibration Codes WIRE ASSY PRIMARY TERMINAL 12216 Without diagnostic system C7VY 12216 A A DW 34 Use Wtdiagnostic systern Before Ser SO0 001 D3TZ 12216 ...
Wtdiagnostic system Frorn Ser SO0 001 D4OZ 12216 A A DW 47 DW 51 5T IHIIIIIIIII LocI Washer No 6 34801 57 X 58 A Nut NtI tI z2 34051 57 M 1s4 A IEIH
Wire assy distributor breaker grry 12264 lpgglassy throttle modulator control 2 Wire assy distributor primary te Q 12216 ppglassy throttle modulator valve ground 9E717 Wire assy distributor to spark plug radio 12286 Wjgyassy trailer battery
12216 3 7 1xg vig gL P g GQQQW Z0O A 77 window vm 0000 6150 0 0 Q ACg Wigq asj 9Y 2Qg 000000 W1hH6