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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000 |
2001 LIGHT TRUCK FLEET Section 140 37 42 2 WIRE A Y A I I PANEL TQ ENGINE GAUGE FEED Algg Rs r lg imag s 9D9QjQ WIRING MARKING or TAG NUMBER TU SERVICE WIRING PART NUMBER INFORMATION IS SHOWN IN TIE CROSS REFERENCE SECTION OF TI I1S CATALOG Fm many vehicles lhe Service Wiring Pan Number will be the same asthe Wiring Marking cr Tag Part Number This type ufreplacemenl will cause lillle car no inslallalion problems However when the Service Wiring differs from the Wiring Marking mr Tag Number it will be necessary I0 malch lead wires and l0 tape up hose lead Wires which are not required This is necessary when the Service Wiring has a more general application than the original wiring installed by the factory Service Wiring Pan Numbers are listed by model year and vehicle usage which will permit the identification Dfreplacelnenlwiring Wllcn the Wiring identification marking 0r lag number is ncl known IDENTIFICATION NO SERVICE NO IDENTIFICATION NO SERVICE ND FZUB 14289 AR FZUZ 14289 A FOUB l4289 AF FOUZ NZB9 B FSUB I4ZB9 AB FZUZ 14289 A FOUB l4ZS9 BA FOUZ MZH9 A FDTB l42B9 AB FDTZ NZB B FOTB 14289 AC FOTZ l4ZS9 B FOUB l42S9 AE FOUZ l42 9 B LAYOUT CONTINUED