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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000
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200l LIGHT TRUCK FLEET Section 120 23 YEAR MODEIJRESTRICTIONS ENG CYL PART N0 DESCRIPTION TY 12A58l WIRE ASY ENGINE CONTROL SENSOR CON I D NOTE Refer to the Cross Reference Section in the front of this Catalog for all LD Cross Reference Information F SERIES CONT D Ol I 250 Super Duty F350 Super 8Cyl 7 3 IC3Z 12A58l GE I Duty with M I DRL elec tronic sI 1il t n the ily PTO speed control Ambulance BEFOREl0 l 00 01 F250 Super Duty F350 Super 8 Cyl 7 3 lC3Z I2A5Bl GAB 1 Duty with MII DRL elec tronic shift on the Ily PTO speed control Ambulance Pre FROM I0 I 00 0I F250 Super Duty F350 Super BCyl 7 3 1C3Z IZASBI MC I Duty with M T electronic shitl on the fly speed control DRL PTO With or without duel altemntor BEFOREIO l D0 Ol I 250 SuperDuty I S0 Super SCyl 7 3 lC3Z IZASSI MAB I Duty with Mfl electronic shitt on the fly speed control DRL PTO With or withnut dual altemator FROM I0 I D0 0I FZ50 Super Duty I J50 Super 8 Cyl 7 3 lC3Z l2A58l JC I Duty with MII speed control PTO BEFORE 10 l OO 0I FZ50 Super Duty F350 Super B Cyl 7 3 ICBZ l2A58l IAB I Duty with Mfl s ed control PTO FR8cM ll l 00 M1 SCAPE M mz y 1 b YLSZ IZASBI DG l mz rfb YLBZ IZASBI FG I O1 1v11 M I mu time 4x4 acyl z 0 rt YLBZ tzasst E12 1 rfb YLBZ l2ASSl EG I mz rlh YL8Z l2A58l AF I R RANGER Ol it Ar1 4C 1 2 2 ttsz IZASBI DA 1 OI it Mrr 4C 1 2 2 11 sz I2A58l CA I OI 11 Arr n 1 2 0 ILSZ 12A5s1 FH l Ol R Mrr cc 1 2 0 11 5z I2A58l EH 1 01 it Ar1 ec 1 4 0 IIJZ izasat BF Ol 11 MfI sc 1 4 0 I1jZ 1zMs1 AF DI iz aieernc Ran er Fxvz IZB637 AB A TE XPEDITI0 0I TE with auxiliary A C og 8Cyl 4 6 ILIZ IZASBI AD Aluminumblockcnly lamps 4 or2wheel air susp DRL D1 TE with auxiliary A C fog 8Cyl 4 6 ILIZ l2A Sl AE Cnst ironblockonly lamps 4 or 2 wheel airsusp DRL Ol TE with auxiliary A C fog B Cyl 4 6 1LlZ l2A5Xl BD Aluminumhlockonly lamps without air suspension DRL Ol TE with auxiliary A C fog 8Cyl 416 ILIZ IZASSI BE Cast iron blocltcnly lamps without air suspension DRL 01 TE with auxiliary A C without B Cyl 4 6 ILIZ l2A58l CD Aluminumblockonly air suspension DRL fog lamps ATS 01 TE wit h auxiliary A C without 8Cyl 4 6 ILIZ I2A581 CD Castironblucltonly air suspension DRL fog lamps ATS OI TE with auxiliary A C fog B Cyl 5 4 ILIZ l2A5SI AD Aluminum block only larnps 4or2wheel air susp DRL LAYQyI QQQIIE Q