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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000
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20 Section I20 2001 LIGHT TRUCK FLEET YEAR MODE RESTRICTIONS ENG CYL PART N0 DESCRIPTION I IZASSI WIRE ASY ENGINE CONTROL SENSOR CONT D NOTE Refer to the Cross Reference Section in the front of this Catalog for all I D Cross Reference Infomation NOTE Obsolete Wir Hamesses GREEN SALES with part number I 800 543 4959 without E number I S I 3 73 1 3304 F SERIES CONT D 5 01 FZ50 Super Duty with A I 10Cyl 6 8 1C3Z 12A58I EAB I electronic shift on the fly with or without Fog lamps DRL without Calif Ems BEFORE 10 1 OD 01 FZ50 Super Duty with Afl 10Cyl 6 8 lC3Z 12A581 BE 1 electronic shift on the fly with or without Fog lamps DRL without Calif Ems BEFORE 10 I 00 01 T550 Super Duty with A T IDCyI 6 8 1C3Z 12A58I BAB I electronic shift on the ily with or without Fog lamps DRL wit hout Calif Ems F ROM 10 1 00 OI F25D Super Duty F350 Super l0CyI 6 8 IC3Z 12 681 NC I Duty with A T without Calif Ems electronic shift on the fly Fog lamps DRL BEFORE I 0 I 00 OI F250 Super Duly F3S0 Super 10 Zyl 6 8 IC3Z IZASBI NAA I Duty with A T without Calif Erns electronic shifion the fly Fog lamps DRL FROM 10 I 00 OI FZ50 Super Duty 17350 Supcr 10Cyl 6 8 1C3Z 12A58I EE I Duty with M T Calif Ems electronic shift on the fly with or without Fog lamps DRL BEFOR E I0 I OO OI F250 Super DUTY H50 Super 10Cyl 6 8 IC3Z l2A58I EAB I Duty with M T Calif Ems electronic shifl on the lIy with ot without Fog lamps DRL FROM10 I D0 01 F2S0 Super Duty F350 Super IOCyl 6 8 IC3Z I2A581 PC 1 Duty with M I electronic shift on the fly with or without DRL without Calif Ems Fog I BEFDREIO I O0 01 H50 Super Duty K550 Super l0Cy1 6 8 IC3Z 12A581 PAB I Duty wit I1 M I electronic shift on the fly with or without DRL without Calif Ems Fog I it FROM10 I 00 OI F250 Supet Duty F350 Super I0 CyI 6 8 1C3Z IZASBI CE I Duty with MII electronic shih on t he l ly with or without Fog lamps DRL without Calif Ems BEFORE 10 I 00 01 F250 Super Dufy F350 Super IOCyl 6 8 IC3Z IZAS81 CAB I Duty with M T electronic shift on the Iy with or without Fog lamps DRL withoutCalif Erns FROM IO I D0 01 F150 With4wheelABS fog 6CyI 4 2 1L3Z I2A581 BB 1 lamps auto adjustable rear susp With or without DRL U1 F150 WithRearABS autoad 6Cyl 4 2 1L3Z 12A581 BB I justable rear susp With or with outDRL fo Iam s 01 F150 SupeiCrew BEFORE 8CyI 4 6 t YL3Z I2A581 I IA I IZ I3 99 t b YL3Z I2A581 HF I OI F150 SuperCrew FROM 8Cyl 4 6 1L3Z IZA581 HC I 8 7 2000 01 F150 SuperCrew FROM 8CyI 4 6 YL3Z I2A581 1 1G 1 IZ 13 99 T0 8l7I 1000 LAYOUT CON NUED