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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000 |
2001 LIGHT TRUCK FLEET Section 120 19 YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS ENG CYL PART NO DESCRIPTION x l2A58l WIRE ASY ENGINE CONTROL SENSOR CONT D NOTE Refer to the Cross Reference Section in the front of this Catalog for all I D Cross Reference lnfonnation NOTE Obsolete Wire Hxmesses GREEN SALES with gart number I 800 543 4959 without gan number I 513 731 3304 L1 XCURSIO CONT D 01 Ll A I exceptCalif Ents 8Cyl 5 4 1C7Z IZASBI DAA I With shift on the fly DRL FROMIO 1 2000 01 LI A l exccptCalif Ems 8CyI 5 4 lC7Z l2A58I EI I I With shift on the fly DRL Fog lam BEFORE I0 1 2000 01 Ll A T ex eptCaIif Ems 8Cyl 5 4 IC7Z IZMBI EAA I Withshift on the fly DRL Fog larn FROM 10 I 2000 01 L1 AfT witltCuIif Ems sItift BCyl 5 4 lC7Z I2A58l CI I I on thefly without DRL BEFORE I0 I 2000 01 LI AfI witI1CaliI Ems shift 8Cyl 5 4 lC7Z 12A58I CAA I on me fly without DRL FROM 10 II2000 OI LI A I withDRL fog 8CyI 7 3 IC7Z I2A58l GH I Iam BEFOREIO lfZ000 0I Ll A I with DRL fog 8Cyl 7 3 IC7Z l2A58I GAA I lam FROM I0 1 2000 01 LI A T withDRL w 0 fog BCyI 7 3 IC7Z lZA58I FE I lam s BEFORE I0 I 2000 01 LI Afl with DRL w o fog 8Cyl 7 3 1C7Z IZASBI FAA I I s FROM I0 I 2000 l F SERIES 01 F250 Super Duty B50 Super l0Cyl 6 8 1C3Z IZA58I UAA I Duty Mexico only Mfl with outABS FROM I0 1 00 01 F53 Stripped Chassis Stripped I0 Cyl 6 8 1C3Z I2A58 I ZA With Hydromax I chassis with dual cup master c linder BEFORE 1 02 2001 Ol F53 StrippedChassis Stripped l0CyI 6 8 1C3Z 12A BI AA With Hydmmnx I chassis with dual cap master c linder FROM I 02 2001 01 F53 Stripped Chassis Stripp d l0Cyl 6 8 1C3Z IZASBI YA With Hydroboost I chassis w single cap master cyl inder r OI H50 Supcr Duty F350 Supe r 1OCyl 6 8 1C3Z 12 681 VC I Duty With 4 wheel ABS BEFORE IU I OO OI F150 Super Duty F350 Super l0Cyl 6 8 1C3Z IZASBI VAA I Duty With 4 wheel 7 ABS FROM I0 I D0 7 01 l750 SupcrDuty I 550 Super IOCyI 6 8 1C3Z 12A5Bl DE I Duty wirh A l Calif Ems with or without Fog lamps DRL BEFORE I0 I 00 01 I Z50 Super Duty wirh A I 10Cyl 6 8 1C3Z l2A58I DAB I Calif Ems with or without Fog Iam s DRL FROM 10 I 00 01 F250 Super Duty FJ50 Super 10Cyl 6 8 1C3Z I2A581 SC I Duty wit h A I electronic shift on the fly with or without DRL without Calif Erns Fog I s BEFORE I0 1 OO 01 FZ50 Super Duty F35D Super 10Cyl 6 8 1C3Z l2A58I SAB I Duty with A T electronic shift on t11e fly with or without DRL without Calif Ems Fog t S FROM10 1 00 Ul lB50 Super Duty with A I IOCyl 6 8 1C3Z 12A58I BE I electronic shift on the fly with or without Fog lamps DRL without Calif Ems BEFORE 10 I 0G AYOUT CONTINUED