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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000 |
18 Section 120 2001 LIGHT TRUCK FLEET YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS ENG CYL PART N0 DESCRIPTION 4 IZASSI WIRE ASY ENGINE CONTROL SENSOR CON I D NOTE Refer to the Cross Reference Section in the front of tlus Catalog for all LD Cross Reference Information E SERIES CONT D OI E150 E250 E350 Withaux BCyI 5 4 IC2Z IZASSI DB battery Includes Shipped chassis Modified vehicle BEFORE 8 22 00 Ol EI50 E250 E350 Withaux BCyI 5 4 lC2Z 1ZA581 DD battery Includes Stripped chassis Modified vehicle FROM 8 Z2 00 OI EI50 E250 E350 Without aux BCyI 5 4 IC2Z IZASSI EB battery Includes Stripped chassis Modihed vehicle BEl R E S Z I 00 01 El50 E25D E350 With0ut aux BCyl 5 4 ICZZ l2A58I ED battery Includes Stripped chassis Modified vehicle FROM 3 21 00 DI msc aE1 01z1z 1072700 ac 1 7 2 1czz IZASBI I IA 0I 1 150 1 1z01v1 1072 00 sc 1 7 1c2z l2A5Sl I IF Ll EXCURSIO Ol LI AIT except Calif Ems w IDCyI 6 8 IC7Z 1ZA581 BE I Shifton thefiy without DRL BEFOREl0 I 2000 01 LI A T exceptCalif En1s w IOCyI 6 8 IC7Z IZASBI BAA I Shift on the fly without DRL FROM I0 I Z000 OI L1 A I excep1Calif Ems IOCyI 6 8 IC7Z IZASBI AE I w o DRL shifl on the fi BEFOREl0 I 2000 01 Ll AfI except Calif Ems IOCyI 6 8 IGZ IZASBI AAA I wlo DRL shift on the fl RDM I0 I 2000 01 Ll A I exceptCalif Ems l0Cyl 6 B IC7Z 12A58l DE I With shift on the fly DRL BEFORE 0 I 2000 01 Ll AfI exceptCalif Ems IOCyl 6 8 IC7Z I2A5Bl DAA I With shift on the ily DRL FROM I0 VZOOO OI Ll A I exceptCa1if Erns IOCyI 6 8 IC7Z I2A5BI EH I With shift on the ily DRL Fog I 1 BEFORE10 l 2000 UI L1 A T exceptCalif Ems IOCyl 6 B IC7Z IZASBI EAA I With shifton the fly DRL Fog 1 FROM I0 II2000 0I LI A T withCalif Ems shifl l0Cyl 6 8 IC7Z I2A58I CH I on the fiy without DRL BEFORE I0 lI2000 01 L1 Afl witI1Calif Erns shift 10Cyl 6 5 IC7Z IZASBLCAA 1 on the fly without DRL FROM 10 1I2000 O1 LI A I exceptCaIiI Ems w 8CyI 5 4 IC7Z IZASBI BE 1 Shift on the fig without DRL B FORE10 1fZ000 OI Ll AfI exceptCalif Ems wl 8CyI 5 4 IC7Z l2A58l BAA I Shift on the fly without DRL FROM I0 I Z000 01 L1 A T except Calif Ems BCyL 5 4 IC7Z IZASBI AE I w 0 DRL shift on the II BEFOREl0 l 2000 01 LI AfI except Calif Ems 8CyI 5 4 IC7Z IZASBI AAA I w 0 DRL shift on the fl FROM10 lI2000 OI Ll A I except Calif Ems 8Cyl 5 4 IC7Z I2A581 DE l With shift on the f ly DRL BEFORE I0 I 2000 LAYOUT CONTIN QQ