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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000
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4 Section I I0 2 X I LIGHT TRUCK FLEET PART YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS PART NOr LIST DESCRIPTION I APPLICATION CHART CONT D I 1 002 STARTER MOTOR CONT D I 0 X I R RANGER 0I R 2 5L F8 Z IIOO Z AARM F87U I 1000 AA AlA servioe l SA 8S7 RM starter assembly has no serviceable components includes FSVY I4A4I I AA kit t FSVZ I INOS7 AA Cover solenoid terminal l r bF6VZ I INOB7 AB I OI R 3 0I F89Z I l XYZ AARM F89U I I000 AA service starter as I SA 859 RM sembly has no serviceable compo nents includes F6VY l4A4l I AA kit F6SZ I INOS7 A Cover solenoid terminal I OI R 4 0L A T F89Z 11002 BARM F89U ll0O0 BA servicestat1eras I SA 86 RM sembly has no serviceable compo nents includes F6VY l4A4I l AA kit wr FGSZ IINOS7 A Cover solenoid tenninal I 0I R 4 0I M T FB7Z 11002 BARM t F87U Il000 BA BlA service I SA 858 RM starter assembly has no serviceable components includes FSVY l4A4I I AA kit F68Z I lN087 A Cover solenoid terminal I TE EXPEDITION OI TE gu FSIZ ll KY1 AARM FBIUlI0 0 AA servicestaneras I SA B730R M sembly has nu serviceable compo nenls TN NAVIGATOR 01 TN gas FSIZ 11002 AARM F8IU I I000 AA service starteras I SA 8730RM sembly has no serviceable compo TW INDSTAR Ol TW 3 0L F6SZ IIIDZ AARM 25 Service starter assembly I SA 832 RM ir E9OZ ll350 A Drive SD 337 I r lwF5DZ 11350 AA 01 TW 3 8L F68Z 11002 AARM 24 Service starter assembly I SA 832 RM i E9OZ II350 A Dnve SD 337 I r hF5DZ 11350 AA YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS ENG CYL PART NO DESCRIPTION 11002 STARTERMOTOR HARDWARE 0002 STANDARD PARTS OI R with auto trans 3 0 N606064 S100 AB 39 Bolt MIOx 50x60 0 3 hex flange head attaches starter to en ine 0I R witl1 manual trans 3 0 N606066 S2 AB I I l EK Bolt 3 MIOxl 50x70 0 hex flangehead attaches starter to en ine OI TW 3 0 NB0l677 SSI AB IZO A BoIt Ml0x 1 50x I 44 0 hex head attaches starter ta en ine Ol TW 3 0 N80I472 SSI AW 63 T Stud Ml0x I S0x I I 5 x 70 0 hex shoulder attaches starter to en ine 01 TW 3 8 NBOI677 SSI AB I20 A BOIt MIOx I 50x I 44 0 hex head attaches starter OI TW 3 8 NSOI472 SSI AW 63 T Stud MIOx I 50x I I 5 x 70 0 hex shoulder attaches starter to en ine LAY QUT CONTIN QED