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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000
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2001 LIGHT TRUCK FLEET Section 103 21 PART z YEAR MODEL RESTRI CTIONS ENG CYL PART NO LIST DESCRIPTION I I Y APPLICATION CHART CONT D F SERIES CON I D 01 F250 Super Duty F350 Super 5 4 i F6PZ l0346 RARM 36 Altenmtor NOTE Original re I Duty F450 Super Duty GI 372 RM placement requires new pulley F550 Super Duty Motor r bF6PZ l0346 F65Z I 0344 AA with I craft 95 amp RARMI I D NF65U IOA352 AZA 61 497 RM FIDZ IOC3S9 A Regulator and bmsh holderasy I GR B2I 01 F150 U 8500 GVW Motor 5 4 ir F7PZ 10346 KARM Altemator NOTE Contains no I craft IIS amp same as 130 GL 4 I 7 RM serviceable intemal parts amp rll1F7PZ 10346 NOTE Original replacement I KARMI requires new pulley F65Z GL 508 RM I0344 AA with I D F6SU l0Ai52 A2A FI DZ IOC359 A Regulator and brush holder asy I GR 82 I 01 F250 Supe r DutY B50 Super 9 F6AZ 10346 AARM 36 Altemator NOTE Original re I Duty F450 Super Duty GL 379 RM placement requires new pulley F550 Super Duty rIhF6AZ 10346 F65Z l0344 AA with I F53 Stripped Chassis AARM1 I D F65U IOA35Z AZA Motorcraft I I5 amp same as GL 49I RM 130 amp F I DZ l0C359 A Regulator and bnish holder asy I GR 821 OI FZ5D Super Duty F350 Super F6PZ 10346RARM 36 Altemator NOTE Original re I Duty F450 Super Duty GL 372 RM placement requires new pulley F5S0 Super Duty Motor r bF6PZ 10346 F65Z 10344 AA with I craft 95 amp RARMI I D F65U IOA352 A2A GL 497 RM 7 FI DZ l0C359 A Regulator and brush holder asy I GR B21 01 I750 Super Duty F350 Super 7 3 F8 IZ I0346GARM BOTTOM Includes pulley I Duty F4S0 Super Duty 61 422 RM regulator NOTE Contains no F55 Super Duty 7 Motor serviceable parts Broadcast craft I I0 amp dual alterna Code DE used in conjunction tors ambulance pkg with FSIZ l0346 EARM 0I F250 Super Duty IG50 Super 7 3 F8 IZ 10346 EARM TOP Includes pulley regula I Duty F450 Super Duty GL 412 RM tor NOTE Contains no ser F550 Super Duty Motor viceable pans Broadcast Code craft I I0 amp dual altema CA used in conjunction with tors ambulancepkg sameas FBIZ l0346 GARM 130 amp 01 F250 Super Duty F350 Super 7 3 FS IZ I0346 EARM Includes pulley regulator I Duty F450 Super Duty GL 412 RM NOTE Contains no servicea F550 Super Duty Mt tor ble parts Broadcast Code craft I I0 single altema CA tor less atnbu ance pkg same as 130 amp M1 ESCAPE 01 MI Motorcraft lI0 amp 4Cyl 2 0 lL8Z IOBASABRM Altemator includespulley I DOHC GL 462 RM regulator NOTE Contains no serviceable parts I 01 MI Mot rcraft 110 amp 6Cyl 3 0 ILBZ I0346CBRM Altematovincludes pulley I DOHC GL 463 RM regulator NOTE Contains no serviceable parts I R RANGER 0I R M torcraft 95 amp 4 Cyl 2 5 t FSPZ 10346 LARM 37 Altemator I GL 37 I RM r h FGPZ 10346 I LARM l GL 496 RM F IDZ IOC359 A Regulator and brush holder asy I GR 8Z1 LAYOUT CONTINUED