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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000
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2001 LIGHT TRUCK FLEET Secti0n96 3 YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS ENG CYL PART NO DESCRIPTION I A 9600 CLEANER ASSY AIR T0 select the correct Arr Cleaner Assy by knowing tl1e ideittitication number only Check the Air Cleaner taken from the vehicle for an identification part number Refer to the Identification Chan below Find the Air Cleaner identiricatiun part number sequenced numerically and find the service pan number in the adjacent cnlumn For example The service part number for Air Cleaner Assy identilied E7TE 9600 1 is ETIZ 9600 F F SERIES CONT D 01 F150 6CyI 4 2 XL3Z 9600 BB AirC1eanerAsy FSOZ 9601 BA ElementAsy FA 1632 01 F150 6 Cyl 4 2 XL3Z 9600 BB Air cleaner asy FSOZ 9601 BA Elementasy FA 1 632 01 F150 8Cy1 4 6 XL3Z 960 lCA Air cleaner asy 1 F5OZ 9601 BA Element asy FA 1632 01 F150 8Cy1 5 4 XL3Z 9600 CA Air cleanerasy 1 FSOZ 9601 BA Elementasy FA 1632 r 01 S0 Super Duty F3S0 Super 8 Cyl 5 4 YC3Z 9600AC Air cleaner asy l Ar F6ZZ 960 A Element asy 1 FA 1634 r la FSOZ 9601 BA I V FA 1632 01 F150 l ightning 8Cyl 5 4 lL3Z 9600 AA AirCleanerAsy I XL3Z 9601 AA ElementAsy l FA 1682 01 F250 Super Duty F450 Super 8Cyl 7 3 XC3Z 9600 AA Air cleaner Ke battery tray 1 Duty asy LH XC3Z 9601 AA Element asy 1 W706S 13 5301 U nut 1 XC3Z 0A659 AA Bane cover 1 01 F350 Super Duty BCyl 7 3 XC3Z 9600 AA Air cleaner battery tray I asy L1 I XC3Z 9601 AA Element asy l W706513 S301 U nut l XC3Z lOA659 AA batte cover I 01 F550 Super Duty BCy 7 3 XC3Z 9600 AA Air cleaner battery tray I asy LH XC3Z 9601 AA Element asy 1 W7065 13 S30 1 XC3Z 10A659 AA Batte cover 1 MI SCAPE 01 4Cyl 2 0 YLBZ 9600AE Aircleanerasy 1 YLBZ 9601 AA Element asy 1 FA 1696 01 6CyI 3 0 YLHZ 960 LBA Air cleaner asy 1 YLBZ 9601 AA Element asy 1 FA 1696 R RANGER 01 4Cyl 2 3 ILSZ 9600 AB Aircleanerasy 1 F I7Z 9601 AA Element asy FA 1658 FA 1658 LAYOUT CONTINUED