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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000 |
200l LIGHT TRUCK FLEET Section IBD 23 YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS PART NO DESCRIPTION M1 SCAPE OI waz iamvem 1 R RANGER 0I R w1mm e 1 a1 ordealerinstalled Axc F37Z isaassaa 1 YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS ENG SZ PART NO DESCRIPTION I B XPLORER Ol a sa 1pp acIms15zAax heater ILZZ I8B402 HA Franrunuermayrubes 1 re ack e O1 a u s 1 s 1 swam venue 1 v7z 1sa402 Aa Front unauaeuy me tum 1 RHI OI B 4 0L SOHC wz 181wm AD 1 DM ILLAGER OI F3X ISB402 D 4 in illustration front heater I Cute connector tube a y n mx Z OI DM with aux heater A C F6XZ lBB402 AA 1 in iIIustration in I let underborl UI DM F6XZ I8B40 Z AC 2 in illustration engine water I i 1 L sha Ol F6XZ 188402 AB 3 in illustration engine water I i L sha I d E SERIES Ol F350 with out factory aux heat I0 Cyl 6 8 XC2Z l8B402 FA Underbody tubing for aux heater I re aclta e 01 E ISO without factory aux heat 6 Cyl 4 2 XCZZ I8B40 Z FA Underbody tubing for aux heat I rc acka e Ol E250 with ut factory aux heat 6 Cyl 4 2 XCZZ ISB402 FA Underbody tubing for aux heater I re ack e OI EI50 with aux BC l 4 2 YC2Z ISB402 AA Com Iete tubin torearheater I 01 E250 withaux SC I 4 2 YCZZ lBB402 AA com letetubin torearheater I OI E150 with aux 8C I 4 6 YCZZ 188402 AA Con r letetubin mrearheater I OI E I50 without factory aux heat S Cyl 4 6 XCZZ 1813402 FA Underbody tubing for aux l1e ater I re acka e Ol E250 without factory aux heat 8 Cyl 4 6 XCZZ l8B402 FA Underbody tubing fur aux heat I re ack e OI 12150 wam 1 x Yczz l8B402 AA com me mam torear mm 1 O1 E2s0 asso winmx i Yczz 1sa4 yz AA cum letetubin mwimm 1 Ol EI50 with ut factory aux heat BCyl 5 4 XCZZ I 813402 FA Underbody tubing for aux heat 1 e acka e OI 1550 without factory aux heat 8 Cyl 5 4 XC2Z l8B402 FA Underbody tubes for aux heat I re acka e 01 E2S0 without factory aux heat B Cyl 5 4 XCZZ 1815402 FA Underbody tubing for aux heat I acka e Ol s c 1 as Yczz 1sa402 AA c m 1 mm to rear umm 1 OI IB50 with aux B Cyl 7 3 YCZZ IBB402 AA Complete underbody tubing to I rear healer 0I E ISO E250 without factory 4 2 XCZZ I8B402 FA Underbody tubes for aux heat I aux heat r acka e 01 EISO without factory aux heat 4 6 XCZZ lBB402 FA Underbody tubes for aux heat I acka e DI EISO E2 0 ESD without face 5 4 XCZZ I BB402 FA Underbody tubes for aux heat l to aux heat re acka e Ol is su erum wsmaurm wuz isaac BA undersea mae 1 01 mso w1u1 11um 1y armireat xczz 18B4 YZ FA umermy tubes mw am 1 re ack e Ol E350 E SuperI uty without 7 3 I 7UZ I8B4CY2 CA 1 inillustmtiou I OI E Super Duty with aux 7 3 FBUZ ISB402rBA Jl 2 in illustration underbody I 1 b XCZZ l8B4CY2 FA tube heater water l Ol 15 Super Duty with aux 7 3 FSUZ IBB402 AA 2 inillustration underbody tube 1 heater water Ol E350 with ut factory aux heat 7 3 XCZZ I8B40 l FA Underbody tubs for aux heat I re acka e LAYOUT CONTINUED