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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000
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2001 LIGHT TRUCK FLEET Section 93 11 YEAR MODEL RESTRICTI ONS ENG CYL PART NO DESCRIPTION 9C3Z3 HOSE FUEL TUBE TANK T0 FUEL FILTER I SERIES 01 F350 Super Duty F450 Super 10 Cyl 6 8 YC3Z 9C323 DA Hose assembly fuel filter to aft 1 Duty F550 Super Duty tank 3Z19mn1Iongwit1rstraight gas LPGbi fue1 141 176 femaleend connectors WIB aft axle LPG tank single LPG tank Ol F350 SuperDuty F450 Super l0Cyl 6 8 YCSZ 9C323 FA Hose assembly 3 8 1Dx41 1 Duty F550 Super Duty 3 8 long wit h 45 deg female tit gas LPG bi fuel 141 176 ting one end and straight female W B side LPG tank single LPG fitting one end Filter to outside rank tank 01 I l50 Super Duty F450 Super l0Cyl 6 8 YC3Z 9C323 FA Hose assembly 3 B 1Dx41 1 Duty F550 Super Duty 3 B long with 45 deg female Et gas LPGl i fuel 141 176 ting oneend and straightfemale W B side and aft LPG tanlu titting one end Filter to outside dual LPG tanks tank Ol 17350 Super Duty F450 Super l0Cyl 6 8 YC3Z 9C323 HA Hoseassembly 3 B 1Dx 151 I Duty F550 Super Duty 5 B long with straight female gas LPG bi fuel 165 W B aft end fittings Fuel filter to aft axle LPG tartk sin le LPG tank tank 01 E 50 Super Duty F450 Super l0Cyl 6 8 YC3Z 9C323 GA Hoseassemb1y3 8 1Drt66 1 Duty F550 Sulper Duty 1 4 long with straight female gas LPG bi fue 165 W B side fitting one end and 45 deg female LPG tank single LPG tank fitting one end Filter to outside frame tank 01 F350 Super Duty F450 Super 10 Cyl 6 8 YC3Z 9C323 GA Hose assembly 3 3 1 D x 66 1 Duty F550 Super Duty 1 4 long with straight female gas LPG bi fuel 165 W B side fitting one end and 45 deg female and aft LPG tanks dual LPG fitting one end Filtertooutside tanks frame tank 01 F350 Super Duty F450 Super 10 Cyl 6 8 YC3Z QC323 CA Hose assembly l0ck0ff to fuel fil 1 Duty F550 Supet Duty ter 3210rnm long with straight as LPG bi fuel 176 W B female end connectors 01 F5S0 Super Duty F450 Super 10 Cyl 6 8 YCBZ QC323 AA Hose assembly 3 8 ID x 189 1 Duty F550 Super Duty long with straight female end fit gas LPG bi fuel 201 W B aft tings Fuel filter to aft tank axle LPG tank 01 F550 Super Duty F450 Super 10 Cyl 6 8 YCBZ QC323 EA Hose assembly 3 8 1D x 103 1 Duty F550 Su Duty 3 4 long witlt 45 deg fitting one gas LPG bi fuell i 1 W B side end and one end straight female LPG tank single LPG tank fitting Filter to outside frame lallk 01 F 550 Super Duty F450 Super l0Cyl 6 8 YCBZ 9C323 EA Hose assembly 3 8 1Dx 103 1 Duty F550 Super Duty 3 4 long with 45 deg fitting one gas LPG bi fuel 20 1 WIB side end and one end straight female and aft LPG tanks dual LPG fitting Filter to outside frame tanks tank O1 F350 Supcr Duty F450 Super l0Cyl 6 8 YC3Z 9C323 BA Hose assembly 5 6 l Dx 80 1 3 Duty F550 Super Duty 1 2 long with 45 deg end tit gas LPG bi fuel side and aft tings Outside tank to an tank LPG tanks dual LPG tanks extended e O1 F150 Gasoline LPG Bi Fue1 8CyI 5 4 FBSZ QC323 BAGF Fueltank to fuel filter 1 Dual H4 BED 1 rel Tanks 01 F150 Gasoline LPG Bi Fuel 8 Cyl 5 4 F85Z 9C323 AAGF Fuel tank to fuel filter 1 Sin le ln Bed Fuel Tank YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS PART NO DESCRIPTION TY I 9 1313 CAP UEL PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE B XPLORER 01 1a0vY 91 1323 A Capforfuelpressttre testpon 1 CM 346Z S1 XPLORER SPORT TRAC 01 Q mz onszsss 1 01 mz snazs AA 1 U7 XPLORER SPORT 01 9282 91 122 AA 1 01 uv 9822 a1 1a2s AA 1 BN OUNTAINEER 01 BN EDVY 91 323 A Cap for fuel pressure test pon 1 CM 3462