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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000
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2001 LIGHT TRUCK FLEET Secti0n90 33 YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS PART NO DESCRIPTION I I 9BI49 HARDWARE KIT AUXILIA RY FUEL TANK CONT D E SERIES CONT D OI mso Etsupu Duty icutaway nut Fruz sam DB 1 ed diesel throw awa tank KIT HUZ 9B I49 DB CONSISTS OF I F4TL 9030 Z Capasy fuel Z EGTZ 9171 C Clamp I IZ I F7UZ 9B2I3 AA 4 Support fuel tank fill round worm tank till pipe I F4UZ 9034 B Pipe asy fuel hose I F4UZ 95298 A Strap fuel sys tank fill I E43Z QA095 B Decal fuel ground I F3UZ 9047 G 4 4 Hfase fucl tank Ii I OI E350 E Super Duty lrippcd Chas F7UZ QBI49 CB I sis Cutuwuy unleaded gas without throw awa tank KIT F7UZ 9BI49 CB CONSISTS OF I F7UZ 9047 CA Hose fuel tank I F7UZ 915213 AA 1 Support fuel I F4UZ 95298 AB Strap fuel sys GII tank Iillpipe ground 7 I IWUZ 9l70 BA Hose fuel tank vent tube 0l E350 E Super Duty Stripped Chas XCZZ 1BI49 AA I sisl Cutuwuy unleaded gas throwaway tank F SERIES OI l750 Super Duty F350 Super Duty FSIZ 9Bl49 EA I F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty Chassis Cab g S diesel midsI1ip wide frame BEFORE I0 9 2000 ot Fsa sm 1 cams Recreational wuz mma Ac 1 KIT F UZ 9BI49 AC CONSISTS OF I IWSZ 903053 Cap asy I l 7UZ 9l70 BA Vent hose I F4UZ 95298 A Ground strap I IWUZ 9047 CA Hose I F7UZ 9B2I3 AA Su rt 01 FZ50 Super Duty F35lI Supcr Duty FBIZ 98149 AA I F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty V ChassisCab gas dieseI midship tank BEFORE I0 9 2000 0I FZ50 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F8 IZ 9BI 19 CA I F4S0 Super Duty F550 Super Duty Chassis Cab gas diesel aft axle tank BEFORE I0 9 Z000 OI F250 Super Duty F 50 Super Duty t F8 IZ 9B I49 GA Body Builder applications for use when I F450 Super Duly F5SO Super Duty removing pick up box Use with I Sth Diesel midshiptank BEFORE turn style cup FBSZ 9030 AA non IOI I 0 2000 locking or F75Z 9030 GA locking r I7 FSIZ 9Bl49 GB Must also re t lace the ca screw on I 0I F250 Super Duty F35U Super Duty FSIZ 9Bl49 GB Body Builderapplicationsforusewhen I F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty removing pick up box Use with screw Diesel rnidship tank on style cap F4DZ 9030 A n0n Iock in or FBAZ 9030 CA Iockin OI Ii50 5uper Duty FA50 Super Duty rk FB IZ 9B I49 BA I F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty r b FBIZ 9B 149 AA I DieseI midshi tank OI F150 Super Duty F350 Super Duty FSIZ 98149 FA Body Builder applicationsfcrttsewlten I F450 Supcr Duty F550 Super Duty removing pick up box except Chassis Cab unleaded gas mid shi tank BEFOREIO I0 2000 Ol F l50 Super Duty F350 Super Duty lC3Z 9BI49 EA I F4S0 Super Duty F550 Super Duty Chassis Cab d1es el midship wide frame FROM I0 9 2000 Ol FZ50 Super Duty F35U Super Duty ICBZ 9Bl49 FA I F450 Supcr Duty F550 Super Duty Cl1assis CaI7 EaS rrtidship wide frame FROM I0 9 2000 OI Fzsvtsuper Duty F55U Supcr Duty ICBZ as I49 CA 1 F450 Super Duty F550 Sup Duty f Chassis Cab diesel w aft axle fuel tank except Mexico FROM I0 9 2000 LAYOUT CONTINUED