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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000 |
26 Section 90 2001 LIGHT TRUCK FLEET YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS PART NO DESCRIPTION TY 9A 095 LABEL A LTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES CON I D I I SER1ES CONT D 01 F150 5 4L gas LPG Bi 1 uel FBSZ 9AO95 KAGF TYPE2 Eng1ishGt aphics NOT1CE 1 diagnosistesting D0 NOTperforrn the folluwm 01 F250 Super Duty F350 Super Duty FSSZ QA095 KAGF TYPE2 English Gra hics NOTICE 1 F4S0 Super Duty F5S0 Super Duty di ngnosis testing DCYNOT perfomt 5 BL GAS LPG Bi fuel the followin 01 F150 5 4L GAS CNG Bi fuel FBSZ 9A095 RAGF TYPE 2 French Graphics NO 1 lCE 1 diagnosis testing DONOTper1 0m1 the folInwin 01 F150 5 4L GAS LPG Bi fuel F85Z 9A095 RAGF TYPE 2 French Graphics NOTlCE l diagnosis testing DO NOT perfonn the I0llcw1n 01 F150 5 4L GAS LPG Bi t uel F85Z 9A095 SAGF TYPE 1 1 English Graphics WARN 1 ING This bi fuel vehic e may automati call switch etc 01 H50 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F85Z QA095 SAGF TYPE1 1 EnglishGraphit s WARN 1 F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty ING This bi fuel vehicle may automati 6 XLGAS LPG Bi fuel call switch etc 01 F150 5 4L GAS LPG Bi fuel FBSZ 9 095 XAGF TYPE 1 l French Graphics WARN 1 ING This bi fuel vehicle may automati call switch etc 01 F250 Super Duty F350 Super Duty FSSZ QA095 XAGF TYPE 1 1 French Graphics WARN 1 F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty ING This bi fuel vehicle may automati 5 8L GAS LPG Bi fuel call switch etc 01 F150 5 4L gas LPG Bi fuel FSSZ QA095 TAGF TYPE4 English Gtaphics This vehi 1 ele equipped with an automatic stop 1ill valve etc 01 F150 5 4L gas LPG Bi fuel F85Z QA095 YAGF TYPE7 English Graphics POW 1 ERED BY GF1 01 F150 5 4L GAS LPG Bt fuel F85Z QA095 ZAGF TYPE 15 English Graphics This ve 1 hicle is equipped withan automatic stop lill vztlve 01 H50 Super Duty F l50 Super Duty FKSZ 9A095 ZAGF TYPE 15 English Graphics This ve 1 F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty htcleis equipped with anautomatic stop 3 6 8LGAS LPG Bi fuel lillvalvc 01 F150 5 4L gas LPG Bi fuel FBSZ QA095 AAAGF TYPE 1S FrenchGraphics Ce 1 vehicule est munid un arret de rem t lissa e automnti ue 01 F250 Super Duty F350 Supcr Duty FSSZ BA095 AAAGF TYPE 15 FrenchGraphics Ce 1 F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty vehicule est munid un arret de rem 6 8LGAS LPG Bi fuel lissa eaut mati ue 01 F150 5 4Lgas LPG Bi 1 uel QA095 TYPES6 12 13 l4 Availableonly 1 throu h GF1 01 F150 5 4L NGV YL3Z 9AO9S CA X1 i8 9 4095 CA Instructionlabel l English See instructions on fuel contam er for inspection and service life and for exact month ofex iration 01 F150 5 4L NGV YLBZ 91 095 EA XL38 QA095 EA French PottrI In 1 spectiott Et La Duree De Vie Vcir Les Renseignements Sur Le Reservoir Et 3 Pour Le Mots D Expiration Exact En 2015 01 F150 5 4L NGV YL3Z 9A095 FA XI3S 9AO95 AA Waminglabel Natu 1 ral Gas Only 73 US gals 275 Liters don t use fuel tank after 2015 01 F150 SAL NGV YL3Z 9A095 DA Yl 38 9A095 DA French Gaz Na 1 turel Seulement Pression De Ravitatlle ment 01 E 50 Super Duty F450 Super Duty YC3Z 9AO95 AA L1 276 Wording LPGFUELED VE 1 F550 Super Duty 6 8L gas LPG bi 1 1ICLE date 01 conversion tank manu fuel factttrer tank serialit and year of manufacture 01 F350 Super Duty F450 Super Duty lC3Z QA095 AA GFI L1 494 I F550 Super Duty GAS LPG Bi Fuel 6 8L LAYOUT CONTINUED