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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000 |
6 Section 150 2lX l LIGHT TRUCK FLEET YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS PART NO DESCRIPTION B XPLORER 01 B w rall bar PO12 ISAZI4 A 0ffRcm 1Usc0nl l Ol Fsvz l5K2lB AA F0 lm illuminatesGrt en 1 Ol B w dcalerinstalled tn xlszz 1sA21 AA 1 SI XPLORER SPORT TRAC 01 Favz l5K2l8 AA 1 lam illuminates Green 1 U7 EXPLORER SPOR Ol U7 F87Z l5K2l8 AA F0 lam illuminatesGr en I BN OUNTAINEER 01 BN F87Z l5K2 l 8 AA Fc Iam illuminates Green l DM ILLAGER Ol DM IFSZ ISAZI4 AAA Dk M i1tk 1 01 DM IFSZ ISAZ l4 AAB Dk P0rtland 1 F SERIES Ol I 750 Super muy BSO SupcrDuty xcaz 1sA214 AA 1 F4S0 Super Duty FS5D Super Duty w dealer installcd kit M1 SCAPE 01 Ml YLSZ l5A2 14 AAA With indicator l R RANGER O1 Fxvz 1s1 z1s AA Fo lam illuminatcsGre t 1 01 FOTZ 1sAz14 A t gla tp t1s wit 1IF87Zl5200AAW 1 I SA2I8 BRACKET OG ORROADLAMPSWITCQ B XPLORER Ot B w 0 sun roof 1 F lZ l5A2l8 A R nud amp us d w E9 IZ l5200 Q kit l Ol B w c foglamps FSTZ l5A2 IE A Cam fnglamp switch coiutecmr on t 1 S1 XPLORER SPORT TRAC Ol Sl w o fcglamps FSTZ l5A218 A Cahigi fnglamp switchccnnectcrcn 1 U7 XPLORER SPORT O1 U7 w c fcglumps FSTZ ISAZ IS A 1 foglump switch cmuiector on I BN OUNTAINEER Ol BN w 0 foglamps FSTZ l5A21B A Capgyrfcglumpswitchccnncctcrcn l 144 I R RANGER Ol ll wImad lamps E911 l5A2l8 A Use w E911 15200 A and C Bosch lam nr EB lZ l5200 B Bosch lam ISKZIS SWITCH ASY FOG LAMP Also Refer to Group s 15A214 ISNZIB WIRE ASY EGG LAMP SWITCQ B EXPLORER 0l B 4x4 w dealerinstalled kit XLZZ ISNZIS BA lntcriorwirin l 01 B w dcalerinstallnd ut XLZZ 1sNz1s M 1 Sl XPLORER SPORT TRAC Ot Sl 1L2Z l5N21B AA Uscwith lL2Z lS200 AAkit l U7 XPLORER SPOR 01 U7 1LZZ l5NZl8 AA Use with lL2Z lS200 AAkit l LI XCURSIO Ol Ll YCBZ l5N2tB AA Fmmrela tulam s l O1 Ll w ofo lam s lC3Z ISNZIS AA lnteriorwirin 1 F SERIES 01 F250 Supc1 Duty F350 Supcr Duty XCBZ l5N218 AA Interior wiring l F450 Supcr Duty F550 Supcr Duty w dealer installed kit Ul Fl5D w dcalcrinstallcd kit XL3Z ISNZIS AA Interiorwirin I 01 F150 XL3Z l5N2l8 BA W rall bar l 01 F150 wma am i YL3Z 15N2lB AA 1 LAYOUT CONTINUED