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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000 |
2001 LIGHT TRUCK FLEET Sec i0n9O I I YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS PART NO DESCRIPTION j 9034 PIPE ASY FUEL TANK FILLER Alun Refer In Groug sj 2 9B149 CONT D R RANGER CONT D 01 R s11 1 1 a1 F1ms10 2 sL ILSZ 9024 FA 1 01 R s emu Flareside 1 0L ss 1IjZ 9024 FA 1 01 R s11 1 rcab 1 1ares111e 4 01 as 11 sz 9034 FA 1 01 R s11 1 mab 1 leside 2 31 1Lsz 9024 DA 1 01 R s1 rcab sr 1es111 2 01 we lL5Z 9014 DA 1 01 R s11 cab sr 1e 10 4 01 as 11 sz 9024 DA 1 TE EXPEDITION I 01 fuelonly FROM XLIZ 9034 BB Includes fillpipe vempipe asy I 01 1 E unlc dedfuel FROM I2 I6 9S XLIZ 9034 AB Inc1udes1iIl1 1 andvenr 1 1 as I TN NAVIGATOR 01 fuelonly FROM XLIZ 9034 BB Includes GlIpipe ventpipe nsy I 01 TN unlead d fuel FROM I2 I6I9B XLIZ 9034 AB Includes GII i and vent 1 1 as I TW INDSTAR 01 rw leaded fuel 11 zz 901 1 cA 1 Ol TW 1 w leaded fuel mz 9034 AA 1 Ol rw unleaded fuel 11 2z 9014 AA 1 STANDARD PARTS 01 EI50 51764 SSB U 366 screw l uel1ar1kliIIerpipetu 3 body pan head cross recessed tap in N B 32x U2 01 E250 E35U 5 4L NGV N802S2t S30l AU 84 G Screw Scwasherasy 1 I lr l 3 uscd101ns1all 9034 O1 E250 lB50 exc 5 41 NGV 51764 S58 U 366 screw fuel tank Hller pipe In 3 budy pan head cross recessed 1ap in N0 B 32 x IIZ 01 Ml 3 0L W700S62 S30I Clamp hose IOMM round spring lype I 1 attach 9034 to breather hose K 9C036 PLATE ASY FUEL LINE CLIP DM ILLAGER Ol Faxv 90026 A 1 01 nm c 111 m1a emissions 1 4xv 9 03011 2 01 DM exce 1 Califomiu emission FBXY 9C036 B 43mm10n x 20mm wide with weld nul 3 9C038 BRACKET ASY E TANK SKID PLATE FRONT F SERIES 01 FI50 w skid plale F65Z 9 I038 AA bam plan M8 x 1 25 rear mounring I 1 atc YEAR MODE RESTRICTIONS ENGCYL PART NO DESCRIPTION l I 9039 COVER SEAL E SERIES A Ol E 2up5 3Du y Cutaway NGV 8 Cyl 5 4 lC2Z 9039 AA Also serviced in 9034 I Ml ESCAPE O MI LI ID 4 C 1 2 0 YLBZ 9039 AA Goes betwcen 9034 9030 I OI cc 1 3 0 YLSZ 00 19 1111 Goes between 90s41s0z0 1 V YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS PART NO DESCRIPTION I 9040 BRACKET EL TANK FILLER PIPE DM ILLAGER OI DM XFSZ 9040 AA Includes weld nut mounts to LH quarter l wheel hcusrn E SERIES Ol E250 E350 exc 5 4LNGV FZUZ 9040 A Use w midshi 1 tank I 01 1 2uz 004011 use w midsh11 1 1111 1 OI E250 E350 5 4L NGV F7UZ 9040 AA FlUA 9040 AB use w midshi 1 tank I Ol EZ50 E3 0 5 41 Bi fuelLPGI as FSUZ 904l BAGF Fucllill valve ada rerflan e 1 01 EZ50 E350 5 4L Hi fuelLPG as FBUZ 904 AAGF Fuel Hller ada mr bracket I F SERIES Ol F150 uxss00c vw s1y1 s111e 01 Fssz 9040An 1 Flareside box LAYOUT CONTINUED