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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000
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L 2 S0cti0n9O 2001 LIGHT TRUCK FLEET YEAR MODEURESTRICTIONS PART NO DESCRIPTION TY I 9002 TANK ASY QL CON I D F SERIES CONTlD 01 F150 5 4L Bi fuel gas LPG dual FBSZ 90 YZ AAGF In bed tank includesvalve 1 tanks f 01 F150 5 4L Bi fuel gas LPG single FBSZ 9002 BAGF In bed tank includesvalve 1 tank 01 F250 Super Duty F350 Super Duty F8 1Z 9002 UA 19gal1cn steel midship tank 1 F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty diese l41 l62 165 l76 201 W B midshi 01 F250 Super Duty F35U Super Duty FSIZ 9002 CA 19 gallon steel midship tank 1 F450 Supet Duty F550 Super Duty gas Cal1f Etns l4l 16T l65 l76 201 W B midshi O1 FSIZ 9002 12 vs allon steel aftuxle mk 1 O1 F150 GAS NGV B1 Fuel SAL YLBZ 9002 CA ln Bed tank 1 01 F250 Super Duty H 50 Super Duty YCBZ 9002 HA 1 F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty M1dshi side saddle RH 01 F150 NGV YL3Z 9002 BA 481 2 long 76litercapactiy lncludes 1 r 9DZ78 valve 01 F150 NGV YLBZ 9002 AA 60 long 99litercapacity lncludes 1 9D278 valve O1 FZ50 Super Duty F350 Super Duty YCJZ 9002 NA Plastic midship tank with sonic welded 1 F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty rollover valve diesel 137 l58 172 W B midsht 01 F Z50 Super Duty F350 Super Duty YCSZ 9002 MA Plastic fuel tank Service rollover valve 1 F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty 913593 only in 90 YZ assembly diesel I42 156 W B midshi FROM 10 22J99 O1 F250 Super Duty F350 Super Duty XC3Z 9002 AA 40 gallon Aft Axle Connecting straps 1 F450 Super Duty F5S0 Super Duty tcp ts 9092 bottom is 9a147 skid d1esel aftaxle late nutW520104 s426M1Z 01 F l50 Super Duty Hl50 Super Duty YC3Z 9002 PA Plastic fuel tank Service rollover valve l F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty 913593 only in the 9002 assembly gas 142 or1S6 W B withCalif Ems midshi FROM 10 22 99 01 FZ50 Super Duty F350 Super Duty YCJZ 90 Y2 RA Plastic fuel tank Service rollover valve 1 F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty 913593 only in the 9002 assembly gas 142 or156 W B vvitl1outCali1 Ems midshi FROM 10 22 99 U1 FZ50 Super Duty H50 Super Duty YC3Z 9002 KB Plastic mtdship tank with sonic welded I F450 Super Duty E550 Supe1 Duty rollover valve gas C111it Ems 137 158 172 W B midshi FROM 10 22 99 01 l750 Super Duty F350 Super Duty XCJZ 9002 GA 40gallon Aft Axle 1 F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty as aft axle 01 H50 Super Duty F350 Super Duty YCZZ 9002 LB Plastic midshiptank with sonic welded 1 F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty rollover valve gas without Calif Ems l37 158 17Z W B midshi FROM10 22 99 3 01 F350 Super Duty F450 Super Duty YC3Z 9002 11 1 Tank size is 1B x Z8 steel I F550 Super Duty gas LPG bi fuel 141 176 W B side LPG tank sin lc dual LPG tanks 01 T 350 Super Duty F450 Super Duty YC3Z 9002 KA Tank s1ze1slS x B6 steel 1 F550 Super Duty gas LPG bi fuel 165 St 201 W B side LPG tank sin le dual LPG tanks 01 F350 Super Duty F450 Super Duty YCBZ 9002 LA Tank s1ze1s 26 x 36 steel 1 F550 Super Duty gas LPG bi fuel aft LPG tank sm le dual LPG tanks 01 F150 139 W B Su mab 1L3Z 9002 BA 1 01 F150 1z9 was Su erCrew 1L3Z 9002 BA 1 01 F150 1ss wm 1z 1 ca1 lL3Z 0002 cA 1 01 F150 l57 W B Su rCab 1L3Z 9002 CA 1 01 F150 4x2 l20 W B 1L3Z 9002 BA 1 Q 01 1 1s0 4 14 120 wx1s 1L3Z 9002 AA 1