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Ford Light Truck Parts Catalog Vol 1 Text Part 2 December 2000
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2001 LIGHT TRUCK FLEET Section 90 1 YEAR MODEURESTRICTIONS PART NO DESCRIPTION 9002 TANK ASY EI QL B EXPLORER 01 B l1Z W B witl1on boarddiagnostic F87Z 9D02 NA For systens with lueltankpressure sen system sor QC052 Use only with F87Z 90 34 BB 01 B l I2 WIB without orvboard diag FB7Z 9002 SA For systems without fuel tankllyressure 1 nostic system sensor QC052 Use only with E72 9034 BB 01 B 2 door I02 WIB FB7Z 90 Yl MA With ressure transducer hole I SI EXPLORER SPORT TRAC OI l3I 1152 9002 AA 11 4 s 102 A 1 1 U7 EXPLORER SPORT 01 U7 F87Z 900 2 MA F87A 9002 MIB With 9 Z052 pressure l transducer hole BN OUNTAINEER O1 BN 112 W B with on board ding F87Z 9002 NA For systens with fuel tank ressure se n nostic system sorl 9C05Z Use only with EB7Z 903 B 0I BN 112 W B withouton boarddi F87Z 9002 SA Forsystemswithout fuel tank pressure 1 agnostic system sensor9C052 Use only with FB7Z 9034 BB 01 BN 2 door lO Z WIB 1 872 9002 MA With 9C052 ressure transducer hole I DM ILLAGER UI x1 sz 9002 AA 1 E SERIES Ol EZSO E350 E Super Duty Cuta WUZ 9002 CC Aft Axle 35 gal Includes straps mtg I wa Stri Chassis bracket Bt heat shield 01 E250 E350 E Super Duty Cuta IWUZ 90 YZ DC Aft Axle 55 gal Includes straps mtg I wa Str i d Chassis bracket heat shield 01 E250 E350 5 4L Bi fuelCNG gas FSUZ 9002 CAGF Dual tank and valveasy This is asingle I tank without the sensor See also FSUZ 900Z BAGF D1 E25 I EISO 5 4L Bi I uelCNG gas FBUZ 900 2 BAGF Dual tanltswithvalve asy Alsoincludes l FIT sensorasy This isa single tank see also FHUZ 90 YZ CAGF Ol F150 E350 5 4L Bi fuel LPG as FBUZ 9002 AAGF I ank va1veas Dual aftaxletanks 1 01 E150 EZ50 E350 E Super Duty XCZZ 9002 AB Midship I Bice t Cutawa Stri 1 1 d Chassis OI E250 E ISO SAL NGV YCZZ 9002 EA YC28 9AI06 BA ISZ9mm 72 long I 109 Liters Includes YL3Z 9DZ7B AA 01 EZSD E350 5 41 NGV YCZZ 9001 AA Tank and valve assembly 800rnm 31 I Ifl lung 62 liters capacity Includes YIZZ 9D278 AA OI BSO NGV extended range4 fuel YCZZ 9002 DA In Cab fuel tank Includes YLSB I tanks with conventional s are tire 90278 AA solenoid 01 E Super Duty Cut way 5 4L NGV YCZZ 9002 EA NYCZB 9Al06 BA 1829mm 72 long I I76 WB I09 Liters Includes Y1 3Z 9UZ7S AA OI E Super Duty Cutaway SAL NGV YCZZ 9002 AA Tank and valve assembly 800n 1m 31 l l76 WB 1 2 long 62literscapacity Includes YIZZ QDZ78 AA LI EXCURSION U1 LI Diesel YC3Z 9002 DB 0EMdesignIessthe9275 sender 9A3U7 I masonjar nut 9417 gasket Includes skid plate tank body insulation co coon serviced 0nl in 9002 01 LI Gas YC3Z 9002 EB 0EMdesignIess the 911307 I pump sender 9A307 mason jar nut 94I7 gasket Includes skid plane tank body insulation cocoon both ser viced onl in 90172 F SERIES 01 F150 SuperCal7 5 4L Bi fuel FBSZ 9002 EAGF In bed tank asy s includes valve IO x I f as LPG dual in bed tanks 4S Ac IO x60 c linders 01 F150 s 4L 1z1 r e1 cnc is Fssz 9001 FAGF 1 01 F150 5 4LBi fuelgas CNG single in 1 852 9002 CAGF In bedtank includes valve I bed tank LAYOUT CONTINUED