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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964 |
476 sscnou on FORD GAR PARTS CARIUIETUI KI IAIT I Ava 9502 A Consists ol the following 1 1l lA 95l8 A Gasket throttle body 1 B5A 9229 A 0 ring inlet tube seal l IGA 9519 B Gasket main body 1 BCM 9229 Gasket inlet adaptor 1 79 9569 Gasket needle seat 1 BBA 9447 A Gasket flange l ABAZ 9A588 A Gasket power valve 1 BCM 9516 Gasket throttle body 1 78 9925 A Gasket air bleed 1 BOTZ 9535 A Seal throttle shaft 2 78 9926 Gasket nozzle bar 1 EAD 9535 A Packing pump rod l ABTZ 9 4588 A Gasket power jet 1 BSAZ 9A5B6 A Gasket spark valve B5A 9502 B l Consists of the following 1 B5AZ 9561 A Gasket cover plate l B5A 9569 A Gasket valve seat threaded valve 2 B5A 9229 A Seal inlet fitting 1 BGA 9569 A O ring inlet valve plain valve 1 EAD 9229 A Gasket inlet fitting 4 BGA 9609 A O ring secondary venturi 1 BCM 9229 Gasket inlet fitting 1 B5A 9655 Seal inlet tube 1 EBJ 9447 A Gasket flange l B5AZ 9853 A ksket diaphragm housing 1 BCM 9516 Gasket throttle body 1 BGA 9853 C Gasket choke housing 1 EAD 9535 A Packing pump rod l BGA 9871 A Gasket choke thermostat 1 BDTZ 9535 A Seal pump rod l B6A 9945 A Gasket valve plug plain plug 1 B5AZ 9551 A Gasket cover carb w out 1 BCM 9945 Gasket valve plug threaded valve ldle tubes l B5AZ 9998 A Seal air horn l B5A 9569 A Gasket valve seat l ECK 99640 A Lock wire venturi safety l ABTZ 9A58B A Gasket power jet 4 359009 S8 Washer secondary jet seal 1 ESAZ 9A5B6 A Gasket spark valve I 4 B5A 9509 A Seal secondary jet l B5A 9655 A Washer air tube seal 7 1 B5AZ 9658 A Gasket diaphragm housing B7A 9502 A Consists of the following V 1 EAD 9853 B Gasket thermo choke housing l EAD 9971 A Gasket choke thermostat l BSA 9447 B Gasket flange pass only 1 8CM 9945 Gasket valve plug 1 BGA 9516 B Gasket throttle body l 1 B5AZ 999B A Seal air horn 1 EAN 9561 A Gasket float bowl 1 ECK 99640 Wire venturi safety l BZAZ 9561 A Gasket float bowl retainer 4 354929 5 Washer secondary jet tube seal 1 EAA 9559 Gasket mia sent l BZAZ 9A588 A Gasket economlzer B5A 9502 C Consists of the following l B2A 9827 A Gasket inlet fitting wl l BGA 9926 A Gasket main well nozzle 1 B4C 9447 A Gasket flange 49 53 Sz 55 only 1957 only V 2 78 9563 Gasket main jet plug l B7A 9926 A Seal main well nozzle 1957 only l 7RA 9516 Gasket throttle body 1 BZAZ 9945 A Gasket inlet screw 1 78 9519 Gasket main body l 78 9535 Felt washer pump shaft 1 78 9569 Gasket inlet needle seat 1 7B 9580 Gasket lp imp discharge iet Consists ofthe following 2 B5AZ 9 4598 A Gasket economizer valve 4B 55 I Ei spark valve 54 55 2 B5A 9229 A 0 Ring inlet tube seat l B2A 9827 A Gasket inlet fitting 1 HCM 9229 Gasket inlet fitting 2 78 9925 A Gasket air bleed 48 51 only 1 3CM 9516 Gasket throttle body 4 78 9926 Gasket nozzle bar 1 BOTZ 9535 A Seal throttle shaft 14451 136 SB Washer pump operating shaft l l AD 9535 A Packing pump rod 1435A 9559 A O Ring inlet valve Tornsists of ms following 1 As rz asssanx Gasket power jet 4 BBA 9509 A O Ring secondary venturi 1 BSA 9447 C Gasket flange l B5A 9655 A Seal choke air inlet tube 1 BGA 9516 A Gasket throttle body l BBAZ 9853 A Gasket diaphragm housing l BGA 9519 A Gasket air horn with dual 4 B carb only lY7H 9535 Washer pump shaft l BSA 9953 C Gasket choke housing l EAD 9535 A Paekinz pump red l B 7Az sssa A Gasket diaphragm hsg Z 76 9563 Gasket main jet with supercharger only l 78 9569 Gasket needle seat l BGA 9871 A Gasket choke thermostat l 7B 9590 Gasket discharge jet l BGA 9945 A Gasket valve plug Z BSAZ 941589 A Gasket valve 1eB 1A 9992 B Gasket diaphragm housing l BZA 9927 A Gasket inlet fitting cover Supercharger only l B6A 9853 B Gasket thermostat control 1 DSA 9985 A Gasket cover plate 1 EAD 98 11 A Gasket leheke housing 1 nsAz cass A Seal air horn 4 78 9926 Gasket nozzle bar 1 ECK 99640 A Lockwlre venturi saiety 1 351336 S Washer felt retainer 4 359009 D8 Washer secondary jet seal vi