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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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4 70 T N FM FGRD GAR PARTS CARIIIIITOR PART No UA1 OSI C CARIIIRITOR SERVICI PARTS LIST IIa IIS nIinu d 5 f mr rum rmtrrm 2Z E mr vvnrt nucurnun in 7sas r im trr7 t 1g7 prlm 7m T snr Wzsni relate throttle secondary 1 9 B 65 sf Scre4w throttle plate No B 32 r 4z 7 oval head tubular 2 Blix SESS K Screw choke plate No 6 32 oval hd 1 COAE 9848 B Housing choke thermostat service 1 CZAZ QASBB A Gasket economizef A pig includes 1 CIAE 9871 A gasket 1 SOME BASED B Spring thermostatlc choke A mls NE P HES C 0 E A 1 BKKZ K5 2 B Lever Ea shaft second throttle plate 3 KNEE S8 Screw choke contra housing to Body 7 I No 8 32 x 1 5 8 tllllster head 7 1 BBA 959G A Rod secondary diaphragm control 3 35 1 3 5 XX45 washm eNO 3 5 7 7 oMs asm A cam ust idle 3 KZSU S7T X5l IToc 1THwas e EVr mei 1 ssuizs stxxm Retainer Uastidla cam C washer 1 CGAE M50 E Control thermostatlcchnke 7 identified by TK on cover service 1 BBA 9598 A Rod choke shalt pkg includes 1 BBA 9858 A gasket 1 353610 S8 Retalner rod to choke shaft lever 1 BBA ss K Gasket thermoetatic choke housing 7 NNIZB Spring type 44 long 1 EBI SH l K Shield choke thermostat 2 559555 S XX50 Washer fast idle rod seal N0 8 flat 1 7 432 SB U72 Screw Kt washer shield to housing I No 8 32 X 3 B flllister head Z B7AZ 9599 A Retainer float lever shait 37 I Dr 3 prin m lever return 1 C1AE 1 Gasket thermostatlc choke housing 1 CZAZ 9A 153 A Shall 8 lever choke housing e 1 353862 S8 X1QRetainer shalt Rt lever to choke Service pkgjngludgs 1 h Si g1 C washer can srs6 A lmsmng 1 355829 S70 M15 Nut shaft Ez lever to housing i H 7 No B 36 hex throttle shalt C washer 1 34802 5 1 X59 Lockwasher No 8 e 1 CZAZ QA756 A Liner thermostatlc choke lever main body No B 32 x 1 2 lill hd bushing i COME BA75 7 A Lever bushing therrnostatic choke 1 B 1AZ 9922 A Bearing choke shalt l 1 3581 162 Sl iB 7 Washer choke housing bushlng 1 BBA 9997 1 Tube secondary throttle control l V thr st1 1 4 vaeuumyestandard size use with E new sem tm n mrlv EFKZ QU K 1 BBA sem B ruli secondary tnmtlle control l W vacuum 002 0 s 1tse as service replacement mr BBA 9997 tube only l CARIIIRETOR PART lla COAZ 9IIO A CARIIIRETDI SERVICE PARTS LIST N Zl6 1 S CZOZ 9502 B I Gasket set I 1 CUKZ 9 Z B Horn alr less shaft i Z m H WH lY wi 4T to mtr 1 020 9590 CS Renalr kit 7 7 730dy N70 32 X 5 B 7 7 I 35BHl5 S H 65 Connector HtsEi5 utur vacuum tuEe Eu Carb 1 B pipe thread 4 43255 SB y74 Screw Ez washer cover to carb 71 H 39l SE Stud 5716 18 Z4 1 50 N0 E 32 it 5 S 7 7 4 5516H sB 2Wut 5716 24 7 7 S V K 4BU 7 SI X64 Lockwasher 5716 S 7 V 1 QDAE 9529 A Link accelerator pump 77S B Pin acce eHK pump 1 to ccve I B KZ llmslll A Seal fast idle rod NNIQQ 1B 7 x 50 diameter rk 7 Hlscliarge Ball 202 O D 56 10ng T CURE 9512 K Body mm except with tai wear DBAOAA Ez DBAOBA C washer 7 7 2 359409 S PP5 Plug to plug drill passages Ln main I 7 7 body 5 1B 2 59Ri 9 5HSYC et mamrmeterlng I 1 371350 S AAA Ball accelerator pump inlet passage No 47 0 to 5 000 ft altitude 7 7 4 16 steel NrT41 Tti1JlTD t f0TUG11 fE Htitud 1 359353 S PPSB Plug to plug hole from Howl to B22 9 K IL ICL Ulm Y 2 r m 7 wv 27 1 t310 1 1 S8 Screw bellcrank choke adiustlng 1 CIAZ 9A523 A Support booster venturi except with lever to shajt No B 32 x 5 B tag codes DBAOAA St DBAUBA tillister head 1 a 11sst s AA4 eau t cel pu r np dls charge valve 3 16 steel ul