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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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f0RD uk MRT r MA 467 CARIIJRITGI PART II IIAI OSI A CARIIIIETOI SERVICE PARTS LIST N I20 conilnusd A un 4 1 nsscnrnou no nnnn ne ne 1 A 1 2 cons 20 I D 5B kms 1 31596 S7 Screw lockwasner choke brdeietie Ne 10 zz x 2 a No 10 32 x 3 4 lllllster head 1 BZA BB08 A Retainer iloat howl use with glass bowl only 4 mA savor c1en1 T n nea1oow1 retainer use W111 LD x 32 0 D 03 thick glass bowl only Lllllster head 2 31036 SB Screw carh throttle plate Nd 6 32 x s 16 nn1ete1 need 2 3493737 in Lockwasher No S external tooth 2 BZA 9588 A Screw choke plate 3 31061 SB USO Screw cover to main body 1 BZAZ BASES A Gasket ecunomizer valve 1 No 8 32 x l 2 llllster head 15 O D 015 thick 1 BBA 9 934 K Srleeve p nmp push To stamped 3315 A l EAA 9935 B Spring accel pump rod plunger 2v 0 1 1 s4 long 13 nous 1 34079 S7 MISS Nut thrctllelever ball No 16 SE hex l l EAA 9936 A Spring accel pump Ephragm l SBA 9792 Clamp choke control hracket Al BZAZ 9945 A Gasket uel lnlet seat screw 1 31061 SB U5D Screw bracket cl Ynp 32 I D 428 O D 03l thick No B 32 x l 2 llllster head T MOT v M155tN T 0 M2 1 l CARIIIIITGI PART Na IQAI 9 I A CARRURITOR SIRVICI PARTS LIST Ik Ill J I CTKZ 956Z B Gasket set 5 r BUZZ HIGHS I Kit Eine up 4 43255 SH U 74 Screw washer assy dlaphragm 1 l BDPZ EEUU E Repair hit cover to carb Nc 8 32 x 5 B l K Sshlah S 65 Connector distrlhutor vacuum tuh to MI BVKZ Bowl 8 plugs Iloat primary use with l carb 1 8 pipe thread nel inlet adjustable needle seat ohlv l Z 559721 S2 Screw fuel bowl Ea plugs to carb malh BQQUB lmdv No 12 24 x Z 55 1 BQKZ Ks0 A Bohvl e nod eee ndn y e wm fuel inlet adjustable needle lz seat only E il EHS l A 1 i 15e E ance 2 I E UTD 55 lbhg 4 37223S S7 B Screw secondary bowl plugs to I XX44 Washer Ba ance E Ee N E llat BBHll carb main body No 12 24 x 1 88 30 l 0 D 165 I D x 0l5 thick special head 5 B 7 Z 9FF5 K Bushing secondary 1 nme en 1 me p503 B Diaphragm tsewndery hr i l I BH2 UBERT Sushing leecnndery throttle enaztj center c remner BHdn mg I DUKE 9512 D Body main 7 1 eaAz 9Ama A Body at plugs mnln nete1 lng second TEN Wn stamped 2007 4 1 BSA 9C504 A Rod sewndary Frome F U 6 37224 1 sv a Screw secondary nnetemng body to s1a110 oem main body Ne a az x ss A4 low flat head cross recess l 353854 SB Y64 Washer 12S 7 13 ilat BBA 9514 A Plate main metering 1 sem alms Rod a1r vent pnen 3 370050 SZ Screw accelerator pump lever 1 535 g51 A Engg dimly e liqay O m n T50 yj BB53 7 adjusting N l0 32 x 50 hex head sl tted i 1 BSAZ 9A5l 1 A Baitle float howl prlmary 1 3 10052 S2 i v l ra pump lever 1 mrs adam B name float no w 1 eeeeondnry M M2l9 adjusting No 1CI 32 x 2S r 1 Serviced in DSU kit only 7 rMA continued on next page