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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964 |
I ron wz mer CARIURETOR PART I I7AE 9 I I CARIIJRITOR SIRVICI PARTS LIST No II ntInu d Ei hi our uhhh uoshhuh E1 rur uohh oeehhloa gg ggg E lmelner r v ri li Q Spri ast idle cam lever 1 359539 S8B Screw throttle adjusting l B K HE 1 K Spring pump lever adjust screw BB40 Nu 1D 32 x 1 25 l LW WEL Rem l ml A Y 1 BBA 95 16 A Ball inlet 1 B 1AZ massa B Rod choke cohlrol 1 mA 9577 is Nozzle pump cuscharge l 50420 Sl Screw l l lmg Z l AW N 12 24 M 5 4 Mal l l 1 moz amos la Shall la lever choke houslhg f V A l 5hXZ 9Hl2 K Spacer Econdamr throttle plate 1 BBA 957B l3 Spring throttle stop screw control lever i 4 1 2 coils 2D 1 D 5E lou t 1 40 79578 Sprlng last idle adjusting lever 7 72 BTK 9580 K Gasket Tump di harge nozzle pump discharge screw 1 BBK 9 42 K Elamp thermostatic choke housing 1 ease goals shan sr lever throttle 1 270049 S BB33 Screw fast idle adjusting 3 34BUZ S7 XH Lockwa sher No 8 No B 32 x 50 Iillister head 1 EH 9848 E Housing choke thermostat V 1 B 7K UH B Housing Ei p ugs clioke 2 B rA 9585 C Plate throttle 4 Bhh 95hh X Screw throttle plate main body No B 32 x 1 25 42 B9 BEEF K Scre w choke Dlate No 6 32 oval hd M rh 1 1 B IA liE EfE lE 1 B7AZ BA588 A Gasket economlzer Z B7K 9H53 B Gasket choke thermostatlc control l T luel level deck plug 4751 B 9871 B Gask et thermostat1c choke hohehh ierged ln kit 8502 1 B7A 9938 B Screen litter with retainer I 4 B K gh K ausk Ml l1E t b0wl screw Al BZXZ WIS K Gasket fuel inlet seat screw i rr A u B2 LD 42B O D 03I thick CARIURETOR PAIT llc IIAE 95IO A CARIIIRITOR SERVICE PARTS LIST Ia I10 K mh 950236 Gasket set 1 a EAA 79549 A Plate assy choke V 1 CEKZ 9A5B ne up h 7 v 1 CIAZ BB549 A Dashpot assy not supplied with 7 hl C1AZ 9590ZA Repair kit U service carburetors Order separately f 7 7 54806 S7lX 4 Lockwasher 5 lb not Eliyhulled wlth l 354582 S 6r carh to tuhe ass y V i servtcecarburetors Order separately s 16 flared tube 1 23929 Svuvlaz Nut 5 16 L24 ho suppliedrwith 2 M 7 374l6G SlP P2YlEFll1g 17Z KE lor dlst passage when servlce carburetors Order separately tube 12228 is not used M 1 EAA 9550 A Float assy repl byC2AZ 9550 A 1 53 V 1 E1AZ 9B5D2 K Screw dishpot EE throttle lever ad 1 C2AZ 9550 A Float assy W l K Screw Hislipol operat lever 4 l No 8 32 x 59 slotted binding head 1 t Ffh 9551 K Pllhi choke plate dEtrlButor i V seam Sl REU E4T kwasHereNo IU a 32 x 1 12 sollz I 1 34679 S7 MIG Nut N o 10 32 1 ciigs asso A l 1h iloalh1hge 7 l BZAZ 9551 A Gasket float howl retainer 3 B1 long 4 Bowl at plugs assy Iloat m etal howl 2 19 wloe uee wleh glass howl ohly 4 Qslsalesv Screw Bowl to rhalh hody 1 cEA iloal bowl v No 10 32 x 3 4 Illllster head 1 c Kz 9564 C Va ve EE seat assy luel lhlet 4 slams s l XG 5 Lockwasher No 10 7 N r V nf 1 BZAZ 9A5B5 A Economlzer assy 1 1 BQAE 9B511 A Welghtr pump discharge hall r 1 BZA 956H B Retainer pump operattng lever 1 EAA asso T ca l near hee le seat 1 Bm nslo c Gasket throttle l 1 mhz unsure Valv e aesy spar4k slarhpeo No ao 1 com sszsicw Link acne1era Br puxT T E 1 B2A ilswl B Screw discharge hozzle QNo 10 si No G2 0 to 5 000 tt alt x G4 overall length llllister head l Tiavli uol1 o NeeoT l 1 me sms A Ball ac4celerator pu hrhp c eek 1 YAEW BB544 B Piston assy accelerator plirr z W 15G dtarneter includes gasket 2 18 9576 Ball accelerator pump check 1 EAA 9546 c Shaft to lever aeey choke 1 21 cuarheler 1 37611 S7 Schew choke lever to shEH 1 ERK 9577 E Nozzle assy pump mscharge l fm 0 8 32 x 1 4 tlllleter head servlced lh 0500 Elm ohly A servl eo lh 9502 ki ohly l cohllhuea oh hexl page V X l