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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964 |
reno we nar M 5 1 CAIIIIIETOR PART Na ITAI UMD A CAIIUIITOI SIIVICI IAITS LIST II III 1 nur mu upeumpe lE nn umu ummpu I H KZ QEUY E Gasket set 1 BBA 952H B Kit accelerator pump cover l B KZ gxsmhc ml lane I IP consists of the following i BVKZ 959 J 15 Repair Ht 1 san 9528 D Cover 4 4z2sn s Screw lt washer 4 359757 S2 I 5HlH5 Slll 5 onnector distributor vacuum tube to Screw 84 washer carb I B pipe thread 4 4 55 SH Ul Screw E washer acceI pump cover l W No H 32x5 8 ftlhster hd used l 2 EEC 9K llll Hephvr ll l hihsel tp attach saA ssza s ppver tp BBA 9559 D E float bowl l 41 EVA D Jl H us1ng plug secondary throttle 2 Bil 3 HZ 7 SB 76 Screw E washer housing to thfott e No 55 0 to 5 000 ft altitude body Nc 8 32 x 1 No 48 0 to 5 000 ft altitude I Z IKE B5l l K SeH choke rod 1 B7A 8534 A Tube float bowl connection 1 B ZA 950343 Diaphragm secondary throttle 1 B 1AZ QA535 C Lever fast idle pick u 1 351825 S XX9 Washer diaphragm llnh to ever 1 hllx ssB K Lever fast ldle adjusting i 7 i C retainer Hf I HKU SB 55 Screw Rt lockwasher lever to main f body No 1U SZ X S B 1 BBAZ BB504 A Spring secondary throttle diaphragm 7 n return v B K 554I K Needle ld e adjusting 1 BTKZ BCSO4 A Rod secondary Ulrottle control I BTK 9545 B I Plate ghoke R 1 l 2 353510 S8 Retainer rod to shaft sprlng l EFX 9515 B Shgt and lever choke NNIZG 44 long 1 33923 S 7 M32 Nut 5 16 24 1 353B54 S8 XX6 Washer 1i9 7 134 flat J 34B06 S7 X64 Lockwasher 5 IG 2 EN 55515 E Float 1 37005062 YGGW C 9l l0l Dump lever l l3 7AZ 915550 B Bracket dashpot mounting 1 BB537 adjusting No 10 32 x 50 hex 1 356736 S7 B Screw bracket to throttle b dY sell N0 10 24 x ln lil1ister head 1 s mos 2 s2 Sleeve nut accelerator pump lever MM219 adjusting No I0 32 x ZG 1 B7A 9557 A Valve float bowl vent secondary 1 B7A 9507 E Cover secondary throttle dlaphragm f 1 B 1A 9557 B Valve float bowl vent 4 31077 SB I AScrew cover to housing 2 ER 9558 B Pln float hlhge Np B 32 x 5 12 iii 7 34802 S 1 g59 nrLockwasher N B I B it 956U B SPQIUE Pump ll m59l Velll P 1HllS 1 E IAZ EIASO7 A Bowl Ez plugs fuel secondary I smgzuslxxz H lE 9l 0P 3l Tw 51 Wlng 1 BBAZ 9A50 7 D Bowl Ez plugs floabprlmary use with BBA 9528 B 4 371850 S7 screws 2 EEK JSE t Gasket iloat Bow primary 1 m 1 m h 2 sn 9562 A Plug lloat npusxng luel level enepk 1 BB809 body No 12 Z4 x 2 56 5 IE 24 x l 4 slotted 5 HVKZ QEEUH K Bushing seenndsry throttle shaft 2 B KE HH K Velve K seal Eel mlet l jg dy gy plugs main met9rimz m imm v I EWR 9512 D Body main W e dary 1 mnz sAs1s A Body ez plugs main mnqering second l 559525 SWRX7 Retainer gir vent valve 1 13 IA 9516 B Gasket throttle Body to main body I EWKZ UESED K Spring fast idle can 1 lever 1 B 1AZ I Bm 95YI K Spring pump lever adjusting screw 1 BSA 9576 A Ball secondary throttle check body No 12 24 x B1 lilllster head 1 S dihmeter rrrr ff 1 gse 9577 A iirlpzzle pump discharge 1 50420 57 S W Np 12 24 x s 4 oval head 3 1 szrz en5zoV length has compression type seal 1 BBA 9578 B Spring throttle stop screw 1 E Kz 5526 E Cam achgerator pump diaphragm i r 4 1 2 coils 20 I D 58 long operating 40 957 3 Sprtngr fast idle adjusting lever erW Em 15 uuotue snutt x lever 2 svxfessoinr Gzskettpump discharge nozzle x pump No B 20 x 3 B pan head slotted discharge screw A t wl e ke t continued on next page