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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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450 section an FORD MR PIR EAIIIIIETOI IAIT Na COA PSIO M CAIIUIITOI SERVICE PARTS LIST N I 0 a f uu rupur niscnmnu nn uuluu nrscnrnou Q j Bgrgz mass A Gasket booster venturi Supper 1 I T 3337 N0 1g 3Z X g4 v nuister head carb I 8 pipe thread 11 lever service pkg includes 5 2 2 0 56 1 z Retainer afcehpump link to lever uneven Ks DBAGBA 7 U FF mq H lee cvdes 1 2 1Z 1515 gg 1 1g gy1 1 2 359409 S PP5B Plug to plug drill passages in mam urn on yL body 5 16 I BTK USZH K Shaft and lever choke 1 371350 S A 14 B 11 1 1 P 1P 1 1e1 v e ee gjmv sgeel 1 COAE 3 1 mm sssa A Pm float hinge 1 CH gB55 K mp 1 1 C2AZ 9561 B Gasket iloat E wl repl by CZOZ 9561 A 10 63 letter D use with tag codes 1 CZOZ QSGLK Gasket I oat Bowl DBADAA DBAOBA 1 B7K 9563 A Gasket economizer cnver 1 l C lIZ 9 A5ZSTA Npporf Ester venlirl excep w1EI 1 CZAZ 9564 E Valve Kzseatassy luelinlet 1ncludes 1 1 11111 9569 erm Y 1 371350 S AA4 Ball accel pump discharge valve 1 CIAZ 9599 A retainer 3 QS steel 1 COAZ A K5G5 B Econumlzer lHeh tl led By green Hye on body t I CUKZ B52 B Horn air less sIEIE use with 0 to 5 000 fL altitude si CZAZ 9545 A plete only 1 can 0As EE D EeurT pmTzer lHeuui 7i e Ey yell07 w ye I ZSZSKSF Screw Ez washer horn Ga plugs to main on body I 1v N 10 32 x 5 H 5 000 to 10 000 ct altitude T CUKE WKSGE C Economizer identified by N0 55 V 1 BAA 9528 A Cover accelerator pump less llnk on D A 43255 SB U 74 Screw washer cover to carb 19 l ug to 15 559 L altitude N0 8732 5 G I BTK 9569 A Gasket float valve seat 1 EEK 5515 K Retainer accel pump check valve 1 COAE 9529 A Link accelerator numb 1 4 28 thread 1 mlm SH F11 Kweieretvr I7 1 1Pu k ver moms Washer eee4 elpurup valve ree uru NN109 187 x 50 diameter roll Rasket 4 4 gin 1 37481B SKXXU Nwasher accel pump valve return 1 CIAE QD530 A Rod last idle earn gasket 1 4 flat 2 351825 S XX9 Retainer fast idle cam rod C weeher l c0Az 0577 A Screw pump discharglehnozzle 4 2 B g5EE E Jef m Ei 1 EE h i code DBKQK 1 74370 SQ X lNWasher 1 4 flat buns coated alum No 48 0 to 5 000 ft altitude 2 0 D f B 1 1 1d l um was la sprlug fast idle adjusting lever 2 WH 95H F Nm ULUIJU 6 i rUUNt 5H1 1 4 l 2 eelle z I D 5B long I DHAOAB and DBAOAC r New w m 1 me 2 sm 95u D 1 0 45 Sv Dm Fe mr mm H amuse BB53B No 10 32 x 1 special hex head slotted 2 B I 959 B M ZL HZ NW i m 1 B K 957U K Pl l t dl ti 1 c1Tn 0err4e m r 1 31077 SB Screw belllcfrank choke adyustll lg q r 8 B g5B5 Er late thmme PHmu y S B 11 N 11 5 8 4 lam 9500 1 serew Ktlirottle plate Noj 82 x I2 oval rreemtulruler 2T9T SHG K 4 crew cHoke pl ele l 1uTs a2 even 71 V