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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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1 ron can nur r vu W CAIIIIIITOR IAIT II l A 75I W CAIIIIIITOI SIIVICI PAITS IST II 97 eonllnuad A mr mar ea m nur mera e me T EHA Sass r Plate lrnremej prlmary 1 E EEK 95E5 G 77 Plate throttle secondary identified by l D on cover H K H 6 E se ew throttle place Na a sz X 4z oval head tubular N0 8 SZ x 1 5 B filllster head E E9A essc I ser Tev elle plate No 6 82 oval hd 4 z z s Lever Vshaft second thr0ttle plate Screw E wz her shield to neuelaai 1 BBA 9596 A Rod secondary diaphragm control No 8 32 x 3 S fllllster head 1 COME ss0v A Cam last idle 1 ssa 959a A Rea choke shaft 1 asasw sa aetalner rod to choke shan leverue NNIZS sprlng type A4 long service pkg lncludes 1 CBAZ 2 359555 S XX50 Washer last ldle rod seal eNo B ilat 91 559 A bushing L m 5 C h l I EH 3 X gpring Hp lever return i I BWI Qllilllei Cfer Ylecon m i va ve L 1 smz ssl A s acer uaerra6 I Kw h r N V Y i Y U2 1 BQAE sms B llouelnr elmke thermostat 1 B 1A 99 8 K ree filter ldentllled by l D on cover Z B lA 9 74 B Screw fuel level insgctlon r W5 hg P UES 0 1 B IAZ 9992 A Bearing choke shait 3 HIIIISSH screw WHORE I H I IO 5 5e 1 BBA 9997 A Tube secondary throttle control No 8 32 x 1 5 B lllllster head vacuum standard slze use wlth H SSEHH S EDGE Washer No H lrlat i new 9984 horn only 3 3IHU2 Sl XW Ecliwaslier No H 1 BBA 999 7 B Iube secondary throttle control vacuum 00z 0 s use as eervlee replacement for BBA 9997 A tube only r e e CAIIIJIETGI PAIT No IQAI 95ID I CAIIURITDI SIIVICI PAITS LIST Ic QI I BU 9502 1 Gasket set I 1 BZTZ 9A520 A Adaptor fuel Lnlet 2 7 B2 overall 1 BBAZ 9A586 C Kit tune up 7 length has compression type seal I BBKZ 9590 1 Repair klt I BIKE DEZK B Bam accelerator pump diaphragm V operating 1 I KSIIIHG SUI I I5 Connector distrlbutor vacuum tube to 1 33174 S Screw cam to throttle shaft E lever carb 1 8 pig thread N0 6 20 x 3 B pan head slotted V tapping 1 CIAE 915501 A Seal choke rod 1 BBAZ 9A506 A Lever accelerator pump operatl 1 BBA 9528 aB Klt accelerator pump cover 1 3 1005052 Screw accelerator pump lever consists of the following BB537 adjusLln g No 1 32 x 5D hex 1 BBA 952B B Cover 443250 S head slotted Screw washer 4 859757 82 1 s l00s2 s2 Sleeve nul accelerator pimp lever Screw rr washer Ml 1219 adjusllng No l0 32 x 26 4 EE55 SB UI crew K washer accel pump cover No B 32 x 5 8 Lll1ister hd used 1 EEZ BA507 C Bowl At plugs float primary use with to attach BBA 952B B cover to BBA 952843 BBA 9559 D E float bowl l 559 FUSE Screw fuel bowl Ez Dlulzs to carb m in BBB09 l eely N 1z z4 X z sev I l N0 52 0 to 5 000 ft altitude I BIKE QKEII D Body E plugs main metering 1 B 7AZ 9A535 C Lever last ldle pick u I H KZ EHHII K Weight Emp discharge ball l EIA DESK X Lever fast ldle sdjustlng I BIKE gui S aY mm Fl I EIA 5 Z1 A Needle idle adjusting 1 B 1AZ QA515 B Rod accel pump link to vent lever 1 s 1A 9516 A Gasket thromttle may to l a e1a body TB 11l 9sI5 1 BIUE 9X51 K Valve acceI pump Hlsclirge need e 1 1 5 B STBR and 1 choke 1 B9AE 9518 A B dy and Shaft throttle 1 sm assv B Valve tloat bewl vent AR 359 136 SZBB6 1 Screw washer throttle body to main 7 l edy N 12 24 x 121 flllister head rod 1 B9Tz 9A518 A Gasket main metering body primary 1 BTAZ 9A519 A Spring float 4 continued on next page l