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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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404 N 9 FGRD CAR PARTS CARIIIRITOR PART I o I7A 9SlO W CARIIIRITOR SIRVICI PARTS LIST No 6l n inu d Jt my NM nzscumou E2 nn Num umlmmt 6K al mts szxi 5 z A 33l5 s5 UH l BTK S Z K Plate tthermostatic choke housing N B 32 x 1 4 T e1K A A H o u smg choke thermostat 77 1 s h0usmg N0 S 32 X I zu filliswr head over to mam b dy N0 3 32 X zu 1 hd 1 B 7A 9B4D K Housing E plugs choke No B 32 x 1 1 Z iillister head I EEK 35 B SPYEE l P mP WH Plunge 27 O D l il l M l E No B 32 x 1 AT B 7A 993H K Screen tilter I 355115 S xxls Washer Noll l at 1 B 7A 9974 B Screw fuel level inspection I VME Z S7 X5 ockwaslier No 8 47 444gM 1 BYA 9988 A Retainer idle bellcrank 1 B 1K ll5 J C 5nYrElTEhEFrFiBslalic cTiolE m lvvrrr M 2 B 7AZ 9992 A Bearirg choke shaft CARIURETOR PART N I7A 95lD X EARIURITDR SIRVICI PARTS LIST I o b2 I B XZ SBU B Gasket set lt 1 B IAZ 9A523 A Support booster venturi secondary 1 BQAZ 9A5B Q Kit tune up I B KZ SI5 G Support Booster Venturi primarv 1 P75 Z 595 6 Repair kit 1 38294 SB UNI Screw venturl secondary support to carb 1 4 20 x l Dan head l A Egg sHlWW KtsEm 57l6 JE x LH 1 3 7135Cl SlxKZl Ball accelerator pump discharge l 4 EEUU S WM2 W l j7 jQ l A valve 3 1B steel l Z5 Luckwasner s71s Q I 555 U5 S II IY Connector carb to tubes to Iuel Dumb 1 BYKZ 52 l Horn RE plugs air Ga distributor vacuum diaphragm 1 SEUHZ5 SUKXEY Washer air horn to main body used with power brakes brass No B flat so elbow x as1m No 0 I 59795 S II HY Connector vacuum tube to carb 3 16 tube threaded sleeve 1 B7A 9525 B Cover accelerator pump less link l 4 43255 SBU 4 Screw washer cover to carb 1 I BTK gE5tl1 A Seal ast idle rod No B 32 x 5 E l 34079 S7llVll53 Nut No 1 G 2 1 34803 S7 XGU Lockwasher E0 10 1 B 7A 9529 A Link accelerator Dumb v 8 3 8 in accelerator pump link to cover 1 B IA 9503 A Diaphragm secondary throttle N N1D9 IB7 x 50 diameter roll 1 B7AZ QB504 K Spring secondary thrott e diaphragm return 2 UGH 9533 Jef mam met55 rlHa y 1 B 1A 9507 A Cover secondary throttle diaphragm N0 54 0 to 5 DOO It altitude 4 41593 S8 Screw diaphragm cover to carb Z BEE 95 3 N0 5 5 BDU to 10 000 ft altitude No B 32 x 3 ll 2 lll 953H K N0 5U IU UUU to l5 UUU ft altildde 4 34802 S 7lX59 bockwasher N0 B Z BEE SSH E l et main metering sec0ndary No 59 0 to 5 ODD ft altitude I B KZ 9H5UU E Hub fast idle cam 2 ZHH 9555 N 57 5 UU U tE I mm ft alt1EHe I B K 5l2 i Body main AZ EI WSH K No 55 lll UUU to 15 Um ft altitude 2 359409 SWPBUT Plus plus drlll mssnes ln mm 1 B 1Az QA535 A eellcmnk fast me body 5 IB 2 l3 7AZ QA536 A Gasket booster venturi support 1 371350 Slxxdl Ball accelerator pump inlet passage l E7 95SB B ever E pin fast idle adjusting 3 IS steel l SHN SSE Screw fast idle adjusting 1 359353 S PPEH Plug to plug hole from howl to BB4D No 10 32 x L25 fllllster head accelerator pump 1 B cup 2 SEE 9541 C Needle idle adjusting 1 BWAZ 9A515 A Rod accelrpump link to vent lever I staz SBSIZ A Rod acceI pump link to throttle 1 74271 S7 Rl Retainer accel pump Link to vent lever E 77 between rod end lever rod to cover spring 3 H2 centers color daub identity Bl ue l 712 ll Sl HI Retainer pumli link to throttle lever 1 DYAZ QA520 A Kdaptor tue inlet 1 2 E0 internal rod to ca rb throttle lever 9 15 24 external threads H0 long 3 S2 spring continued on next page