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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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R ran we nur r M 3 CAIIIIIITOI IAIT No ITA DIIG Y CAIIUIITOI SIIVICI PAITS LIST Na ll nIInu d nn Num muumoo wu Nunn oueumoo 1 BSA usza B Kit accelerator pump clever emisle me W 1 vu esac m11 aooo1o1 ueo r p u1u p check 1 BBA 952S B Cover 443250 S 1 go diameter Screw washer 4 35975 PS2 Serew gl Wesher ir B8A asm B Nozzle pump dmliargoj 4 HZSD S uio Screw H ockwasher accel pump N 6 32 x 5 ee wllh No 12 24 X 4 oval new B 7A 9528 A or B7T B528 A 4 259757 s2lBE57lsorew at washer xccel pump cover T E 7A N0 6 3 Z x 59 tillister head used discharge screw 1 m moon mm sm B cover zo nm 9a5s D E and BBA asso A C float bowl No E 32 x 50 illlister head In attach BBA 9528 B cover to BSA 9559 D E float bowl z EEK GBUS K Screw choke plate No 6 32 Oval hd 2 ZGH 9553 Jet mE metering 1Tn x No 57 0 to 5 000 ft altitude serviced in kit 9502 T BKT 533 At No 55 5 000 to 10 000 n amzuae 2 Fd l gm 5 Nd SF ill W7 l I5 l5l M me T 1 K 1 57AZ eA5 5 C lever Mel idle wick dvi shaft 1 16 X A 4 groove 1 IZSUZ SEIU Screw E lockwasher lever to main l d N 1 2 X 3 B 1 H2i As9s E Rod onoke control Q T 55T6 i l l STKE K SE B Spring throttle shait return l 2 BTK 95ll K Needle idle agllrejirlgl Seal une adjusting needle 1 I WK gn B Plate F F H sum uuu lever choke l EVA 9550 Float 1 351B25 SlXXz Retainer float boWQ l 1 B7 H10 B Piston automatic choke f 1 B7A 9557 B Valve tloat howl vent 1 355829 S 7Wl5 Nut piston to choke housing No SG 1 B7A 9559 D Bowl Ez plugs ll0at use with 1 BIH Sligg Lockwasher No B B7T 9528 A repl by BBAZ BASD7 C 3 Tlml SS U5D Screw clamp housing ND B 32 1 172 I B KZ B5s B m PllT m laccelerihr P mP 3 34862 S EYES Lockwasher No B rod I EEK HIE E Housing choke thermostat 1 BBA 9561 C Gasket float bowl primary main bodvl N0 8 32 x 1 25 V A 1 BWAZ BK565 K Economlzer stamped No S5 1 2 BTK H53 B Gasket choke thermostztic control I BTK 71 B Gasket mer mooemo o noTko housinz H 1 B 1A 9938 B Screen filter with retainer E KZ H5HlL I 1 ZBZKY Zs K Gasket fuel inlet seat screw B2 LD 428 0 1 031 thick CAIIIIIITOI IAIT IIa I7A 95I0 U CAIIIHETOI SIIVICE IAITS LIST Na 50 LB KZ USB2 E Gasket setr l I HUIBE SU H5 connector distributor vacuum tub to 1 B 7AZ 9A 86 F Kit tune up carb 1 B pipe thread i x 1 E 7 3 body No B 32 x 1 I 31808 S XH Iookwaener 3716 I 35H Il 5 E H lZ l Connect0r carbTto tubes to l uel numnt I BVKZ 9 B 5 lY1 B Seal ru idle XE L ez dxsmoutor vacuum ulupmuzm used with power bra kes brass me muy i A continued on next page