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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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FUND MR PART sscnon osx 391 1 AIIIIII I 0I IAIT II I7A 95IlI M CAIIIIIITOI SIIVICI PARTS LIST No nIIn d I A nn amp nascnmon my swan nncnrrmn I n e p ae S T n or Bir W1 1 ro rana 1 1 GE 58 K Pln lloal 1iEe 2 19 wide use with glass bowl only E A 7 mom Sa U5UT rew pac e C amp 4 1 c Kz 9554 C Valve seal aesy lue lnlet No B 32 x 1 Z fillister head I BH 95 B Remner pninp operaE lever 1 5ln5E 1 EH GSH K Hasief foal n 1 x 64 overall length iilllster head N0 10 32 x S 8 l58 diameter 1 Z YE 9576 Ba accelera EIE with carb order separately lA4 diameter 1 EEK bowl only 4 1 2 coils 20 I D 5B lung glass howl only 1 ed lE I 5 1 EH GERD K Gasliel d1scl1 T7l fllllster head I D x 32 O D 03 thick I ETX GSHI K Ever and sH y throttle 1 EEK EBT7 A7 Gasliet 1 ue ln el llllng 1 wan econom er v ve H 2T3 1 No 8 32 x l 2 1 lllister head oval head s uso S 1IX5 Y 7 Ec lnT 1TN B a en 1 WEEK 995 I Sleeve pump push rE H 0 D 1 B5 FSE D Z 1 20 long a myV No 0 32 x 7 16 Lillister head 27 0 D 1 34 10ng 13 coils No 6 32 x 75 tllllster head return cone shaped B coils B2 1 D 428 O D 03l thit k CAIIIIIITOI PART I I7A 9510 N CAIIUIITOI SIIVICE PARTS LI l Nc ll 1 BTK BSU X Gasliet 1 B 1A 1 BBKZ 9A58 B Kit tune up T HEX EST H ilasliel Ehrollle Body to main Eody 1 BWK MBU M Repiir Rh W 1 B7 551535 Body E sHaH ass y throttle 7 1 EBP 9529 A Link accelerator pump l 5 58 Connector car to tu e ass y l Retainer spring type ong 5 16 llared tube wr 7 W 1 B7T 6535 1 BIKZ BBSUE K Screw dasEpHR1 throlfle lever ad No 69 D to 5 000 ft alt not supplied with carb order separately 1 1 B2Az QEEUZ K screw disnpet pperaung 1everj 1 mA S3 Nd B 32 x 5w slotted binding head 1 mn ss41 D Not supplledwtth carb rder separately lY 0lE7 1 3480337 XHU EcWasEer No 10 noi supplied with includes gasket carb order separately E A7 lH t order separately 1 CIAZ 1 pw eenvlee canbnmpna Order separately 4 s1644 sv Screw Howl to n lKH6 E i 34866 S 1 XH4l Ecliwasher 57lB n t supplied wmi Nc 10 32 x 3 4 Ulllster head service carburetors Order separately 4 34H03 S7 X U Lockwasher NYU W A A 1 HKU S7 MTI l M servlce carburetors Order separately l Xl Wel hI pump discharge Ba continued on next page 1