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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964 |
FORD GAR PART F T N on W CARIIIIIIOI PAI N I6A OSID M CAIIIIIITOI SIIVICI PARTS LIST I 36 nI nu d A mr umu rsrrlmuu uu uvurrr nucnmon 3 78 sms Ball acceler 1tor pump check 1 Wim BM 9597 C BMI 50 A 1 B5A 95 18 A V Ball secondary thruttle check 55 gg4g C 3591136 2 B6A 957 1 A Nozzle pump discharge u s1ng L I BBA 9578 B Spring throttle adjusting screw Nc B 38 hex 4 1 2 colls 20 LD 58 long 1 34802 S 1 Y 9 1 40 9578 Spring idle adjusting needle I 55Z z5 siemblli Scr ew tl lrottl e a guSe1ug No 10 32 x 6 1 l lg control lever 4 1 BTW mi K sl rse E le ver throttle pTmary 1 BsA uses A Lever secondary ummle lapnr agm 1 1 sssas1 sqanazolsrrevv s washer lever to aluplrragru I housing r1 q x Mh var hem 2 or EM 49555 1 plate un pale prlruury I BH 9K4Z A Clamp ther mostztle choke noulrl f ggg 3 BIWLSBIUEO Screw clamp houslnz No 8 82 x 172 3 QHIIZQ WYE ieckwasher No B 1 8ZT t 5 I D 5 O D m5 mm 1 ssh s44 A 1 Ar rz gAsmx 0a mlclr serviced in ktt 9502 enc 7 OBSDB s z A LeveYAR 4shaIt secure llu glue plate I BHI 9 K et power star nped Z8 e I BGA B59 7 B Ca m fast idlayexcept with Bsnz onsceerx Bu 9a4 c gg gig S Slew BGAZ BA753 A 359113 S Bm 1 BGA 9597 C Cam iast idle necessary to use with I BSAZ BB508 A Bearmi Behz ensoa A BGA lm c 1 BGA 9853 7 G k BGAZ 9A75alA lz ls911 1 s P ESA 9871 A lcuslrel 1 3I77 1 SIB Screw mt idle cam mp PNN ifioueins No m 32xl3 8 b0dy N g 32 X 5 16 jllljstgr head e I IF3 1T 1 7 1 AIA asso A Retainer pump uulr el1 zz lpug N i f32 E Y I BEE BGOG I O ring secondary venturi tube serviced in kit 9502 z BGA 6 1 6 Tube BE mdn y Venturi mel Supply 6 8850 A Control therrnostatlc choke use with 1 BGA 9549 C 1 BGA 9597 C and I EEK HB3 A Elamp second venturi extension tube 1 BGAZ 9E508 A 3 1 I f screw clamp to main body 1 Ne 8 32 x 1 4 pan heed S w a u h l A I Tr BH 9 sG B Spring accelerator pump plrwrl g S d u d e p g l 3zZ1L1Zilg 40 0 1 1 l 1 lfcm Bliss Spring Emp piston operatinz rnd I upper 270 1 l u4 0 o 0 choke housime zfs 1 lurg zz coils 1 I Iggwc 35El 1gr aI El2S1le I 1 T 1 EGM E6 z7 5 K SCTBW air cleaner anchor no 1 eumilied with service carb 0rder sepmmy mr mmm M 60 ww N prim accelerator pump rod seal hex sectmn 1 39 K1 1 21 from end 31q 0 D soul 7 1 2 I I 1 1