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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964 |
888 W5 reno can mm SOFT TIIM INI SOFT TRIM SECTION INCLUDES ONLY THOSE ITEMS WHICH WIRE AVAILAILE IO SEIVICI AT THE 1 IMI OI PRINTING ITEMS NOT SHOWN IN THE CATALOG MUST II IMPROVISEII Ol IIOCUIED LOCALLY 1958 TRIM SCHEME COI ES AS LISTED ON PATENT PLATE CODE TIIM SCHEME l F0R A Silver gray vinyl and medium gray lattice pattern cloth C Light blue vinyl and me ium blue box striped pattern cloth C Light blue vinyl and me lum blue random block pattern cloth C Light lue viny a me ium blue tweed cloth D Light geen vinyl and medium green box striped pattern cloth t D Light green vinyl and medium green random block pattern cloth t D Light green vinyl a me lum green tweed cloth E E Light gray vinyl and medium gray box striped pattern cloth t E Light gray vinyl and medium gray random block pattern cloth F g t rown viny an me ium rcwn ran om oc pa ern cloth t F Light brown vinyl and medium brown twee cloth l G White viny an ac ran om ocR pattern cloth W G evny an ac wee co l l W e ny an p omino twee clot 1 Dark lue damask cloth and medium blue shadow block pattern cloth K Dar green amaa 4 L Dark rown ama c ot a me um rown shadow lock pattern clo i R Pw ack amask clot go s ow loc pa ern cloth 7 S V hlte vinyl a re twee c o U Ll t lue vinyl a me um lue w ip cor pa ern vinyl U V Light blue vinyl an me um lue stitc pattern vinyl V g green ny an me um greenw p cord pattern viny W K v 5 green ny an me um green s c pa ern ny 2 e ny an p oi mno w p cor pa ernv ny Y V ievny an re w pcor pa ernvny h E Y e ny re my evnya acwpcor paern ny rivwwr W Llg rownv ny at me ium rown s a ow pa ern wovenp as c 1 7 LlgHf brown vlny i5EB HT m brown basltet weave woven plastic I L M a ig rown ny an me um rown ong pa ern wovenp a ic M KC if g ue v ny a me um ue as e weave wovenp as c AH Dark brown vinyl and light brown woven plastic Q r Wd AJ mgm gray damaslTHEth aud medium gray shadow block pattern cloth E AK White vinyl and medium turquoise tweed cloth g r AL white yluyl and medium zurqudlae whl 4 1 pattern vinyl T W AM Gold vinyl and black tweed cloth ca ugimirli vinyl and medium blue block pattern cmu DZ lm fr Llgit green vinyl and medium green block pattern cloth EZ mgm gray vxuyiaudmadaum gray block pattern umu T H U N DER B I RD M M 7 XA Medium bllk vinyl and light blue tweed cloth XB iv Medium green vinyl and light green twee cloth 7 K W XC H A Black vinyl and black tweed cloth t xm r M ElHm blue vinyl and wmta vinyl XF V Medium green vinyl and white vinyl XG Re vnya wte ny l Xl l Black vinyl and white vtnyl I wwf XK Medium turquoise vinyl and light turquoise tweed cloth I XL Y E XM Medlpm turquolse vinyl and white vinyl