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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964 |
346 sscnon on fyjy QAR ART qA u 1 pA lip IIA 95I0 I CAIIUIETOI SIIVICI IAITS l I I I II Il l vm sum nrscnruon wv Mw 2 um H IsG 5ut r Bal ded valve spring Z4 O D 1 BZAZ 95 ZH K Va ve vacuum dEtrl5ut r Ballclieci 156 diameter T EAA 95 16 K Bali t r t F pump F Rl Y 5 1G llared tube 156 diameter 2 7H 957 K 11 accelerator pump cEecR when tube 1222e is not used 1 S diameter i 1 EAA 9577 B Nozzle assy pump discharge 3 B 16 24 x 1 l1 16 1 BBA BME E Sprlhg Hlrottle adjustld screw 4 1 2 wits 20 LD 58 1 3 B 16 E1 3 8 24 x 3 3 B 1 40 i 9578 A ME Idle ad usllhg need e 5 use with governor 1 EAA 9586 K Gasllet dlscharge pump nozzle 2G 1 D x 32 0 D 03 thick 1 B41 C A fever I5 stiait assy prHary tirottlei FEM 9583 K Lever accelerator pump operator ri 1 A seas A Pl Tt Eate rein nctsuppliedwlthcarb rder separately 2 B9A 95BB K Screw GGOttle pTate N0 E 32 x El 9l D 2TA oval head N0 B 82 x 59 slotted blndzlng head 2 Screw choke plate Nc 6 32 x 31 nut supplied with carb 0rder separately oval head 1 B2AZ AK58 K Gasl e econcmIzer valve 7 1 carburetor order separately e 1 346 5 Sll MlHB Nui N0 IU S2 not supplled wlfh 3 1r37543 S7 r Screw jet KZ m l carburetor 0rdez separately Nc 6 32 x 7 15 Allister head nu A 2 353799 SB Mr Screw jet R1 mainrwell to maln body 1 CDAZ 9K5U7 K BWI E pl z SSy float El Bw Ne 6 32 r 15 tllllster head A4 3164d 7 Screw 5 w1 tv MG 5 y5 T l N0 10 32 x 3 4 tilllster head 4 aas s s 1 XHU 1S HiwasHe r No IU 1 1cM 9Hsl K 1 BQAE BBH1 K Wel ht pump discharge Ball lever used with AB 9747 B rod 1 EBF 9512 K B W may m El 1 14019 sw 17111535 Nut tH Til Te ever Hell N 1U 3 2 e EH 1 Bala 9516 C GasReT H R1 r y e ma n y 03 Nu 1D W 1 B5 5l S Hy E SEER gSy llimllle 2 353 ZU SYUU Screw EPDHTB 5 dY fo uuid 60aYl 1 BBA 9 192 Clad 1 e ll BB18 1 4 28 x 1 1 2 filllster head 2 onf 2 r MBU5 SH XG Eocliwasher 7 4 N0 B 32 x 1 2 lillister head 7 l E 2 5 1038NN12FEta ner spun y1 e 1 e T EAX miA 1 HMB 533 B Jet mam m t fl FTE vh Eer3N 6TB3l 2T37H N0 66 0 to 5 DOO ft alt pan head 1 lGA 5 d K N HK 5 0 IU WU ll all peratE l 1GA 53 B N0 G IU E0 I5 UUU H alt with carburetor order separately l 1 78 5dl E Needle ldle adgustldg 1371E lung 1 BZA 1 C6A bowl only 1 includes gasket 4 BZA B8U K Clai F1E l l6 t li6 T glass bowl only service carbureturs order separately fllllster head service carbureturs order separately LN lCV T rr 33923 S7 NH2 A i service carbureturs order separately rld i 2k7 l 1 een m1zei 1 lE 3 56d F cat assy N0 8 32 x l 2 fllllster head 1 C1AE 955B K Pln llnal HEge 3 1 U2 H 1 EZAZ 956I I 2 19 w1de use with glass bowl only 3l O D 1 2D long imC2AZ 9551 C A Al WE raf I CHKZ 2 7 0 D 1 G4 lung 13 coils 1 zAz7 Ha 5 A lztlteanem zer as i 7 lt return cone shaped 5 e 11s 1 EAA s5l5 l lEF l e 1 BM 9571 Screw E N0 10 32x 64 u all lengthtllllster hd serviced in gggg kn only