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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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I mw can nur M9 n SECTION 95 j l IOW T0 IDENTIFY CARIURETORS and RELATED PARTS e Tn iacilile me identification of service kies and parts mr a specific carburetor pai es iises or bills of materlare provided in Section 95A of this catalog for each carburetor assembly It is neceSSaK Hrs identify the carburetor assembly per the instructions that Iullow l Carburemrsn be identified by the stamping number Shown on the Carburetor or on a mehal l tag attached m marburetor The l0Cati0n bf this stamping number differs fur the various g arhuretD1 5 59 Carburetor Identifivation Chart beginning on page 322 Eif iV with 1959 models and also on some service carburetnrs lor earlier models an I identifiC U0 mg wirovided with each carburetor An illustration and explanation G the carburetor jdentifieatiim mg mmwn on page 320 If the 3 idenmiun number is known the related carburetor and carburetor parts list numbers can be determined une Guide on page 320 When the Stampilmber is known the related carburetor and carburetor parts list numbers can be determined rue Guide on Page EZL Cafburelurs and Harte lists can also be identified by Mbdel year engine etc in the eanbnreeer Id lm u ai e on pages azz ennn azv Also snbwn in me carbnreear msnueisaeinn snare is me wss m a typical panes uiuseraeibn for each sarbursebr assembly carburem S Hre snbwn in ninserseinn Section as of rerm ro wsa rms Lists M n panes List Number Sequence in Section 95A on pages aze enrn m rbr ready r f re ninnbsi s ars shown ae ens beginning of each parts list in seeeinn V san A listimz of F r each me is snnwn in ssbeann sas Reiss eu me Index cn page 475 ae me beginning of Section 9513 to number M knvwn kit csrburewf i g ifs sbnwn ae the beglnning nr mein respebeive pai es lists eniinwang 4 the part numbers for the kite To identiiy the Pans r a speeijie carburetor ie is only necessary tu refer t0 the related i parts list and plrts illustratu E An A1 b u d by ine is shown ae ans beginning bx ens mei sysesrn in Section sn Un pages 288 ZB9 and 9 i l 1 l V Y