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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964 |
7 W reno can mm M 2 l CAIIUIITCI PART I I A 95lO G CAIIUIITOI SIIVICI PARTS LIST Ik ll conllnuud l k t uu ew e me K1 uu eueu eeeumee me 95 11 1 s 11 throttle lever adiusung screw l 5 lt GH S7 Screw throtlle lever adjustlng with BBA 9849 A housing only BB410 No 10 32 X 59 64 hex head consists of 1 EDT 9838 A lever S Washer throttle lever adlustlni 1 EDT 9840 A piston and 1 ECG 99854 A P1 l B K S500 B Gasket vumli discharze 1et choke lever E1 shalt No 6 32 x 1 4 r l BTK SSS1 K Shaft E1 lever throttle Drima1 Y 1 1 1 S1 B 5S r W 1 1 1 11 1 1e N a z2 11 15 1B 11111s1e1 head 1 BBA 35 A Lever dash to em 11 me 1 3597 S7 Washer shait K1 lever to main budy gl I B 36 Lever dashpot operating outer XX342 p1uge s 11 z 19 x 2 111 7 2210 Lo 1 11 5 x l5AZ rectangular P l otl lever to air horn K plug T aeher secon aryt rd He shall ever 11111 111 025 to secondary throttle shaft 3155 1 1 X1 z 0 o 1111 1 B7A 95B3 C Lever secondary throttle diaphragm choke housing E1 pluzS B sss c PlaY thr ottle primary 11u a 12 111 4 1111e1e1 head 1 een 9565 D Plate muzzle eeedndm I 3 0005 S EEll Screw secondarv throttle olates to 1 BSA 9848 D Housin choke thermostat secondary tlu 0ttle shaft 1 0115 111 1 rugs C e en 1 e y N0 6 32 x 5 15 cast N0 170434 7llG ElEi p ales to primary throttle shaft 81 lever cast No 17056O l Z B K 05HG B Screw choke plate No H 32 x 1 Z llllster head l EIT SESS E Screw throttle plate used as choke 5 Ssguasucnsl W SH91 N B H3 plate operattng lever set screw 5 anus Ys l 1 EV H 1 N H Nd 6 az x 1 n Z BHS GSH H Spring metering rod henslon 1 ESX EXFO B Kit thermostatic choke control consists of B7A 9589 A Sorlnz idashnot Dluozer return 3 B 7A 9842 B Clamp 1 Bm 92144 B Plate heme 1 B Z Lever shaft second tI1rottle plate 1 BBA 9848 D Coil In housing 1 B7A 9597 C f Cam last ldle 1 BBA 9949 A Piston housinx 1 370008 S7 Screw last ldle cam to main body 1 B lA 9853 C Gasket EB671 plugs 1 4 28 x 11 32 ilat head 1 BBA 9857 B Shaft Ka lever l 1 BBA as 11 B Gasket l B IA 95BB l llod fast dle 3 31032 S7 Screw l BBA 959B B Rod choke shalt 1 35503 13 screw 2 359734 5 RR Retainer dashpot arm lnner l Lever lz link 1 Piston 1 Pin spring 1 B 1 BTK 5s c Gasket choke musing te 1111 horn E 2 359734 SHR Retainer dashpot arm outer l B7AZ 9853 A Gasket secondarv throttle dianhraxm spring 1 l l I B zoning I EEK 907 as et choke coll ho in i BVI 963B c sprlng p to an umu m e s2 11 s 1s 1111 11d 1 1 BHAZ emsa B Shall 11 lever neudke ueuemel use 1 with BBA 9849 A housing only l Bam H DH KH l R 1 m E 1 l l 1 B 1A was c Screen 1111e1 11 1 BM 1111 19 C 1 me 1v l CAlI IlII Dl IAIT No IIA 95 0 I CAIIUIITGI SIIVICI PARTS l IlT Io I3 l lm i 1 BBAZ llA586 C Klt tune up whe11 used with adjustable 1 370050 S2 Screw accelerator pump lever needle seat replace part BB587 adjusting N0 10 32 x 50 hex BBA 9564 C wlth CZTZ 95611 B head slotted f BHKZ 15590 r aepau kit when used wl adjustable needle Ez seat replace part MM219 adjustlng N 10 32 x 25 A BBA 9564 C wltl 2TZ 9564 B V 1 BHAZ smsovfr sdm at neat assy complete 1 C1KE 0E lY1 K Sea choke rod adjustable needle seat design 4 l