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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964 |
1 428 FORD 0AR PART CAIIUIITOR IAIT Na IIA IMO P CAIIUIITOI SEIVICI PAITS LIST I II ntinu d 1 W L 1 BH WW Shield choke fherm0 ta tY r L BEA 11153 1 hait 1 lever choke housing Y 1 57112 9912 A spacer thermo choke shaft 1 c1AE 9871 A Gasket therl nostetlc choke housing B 1 Plate therruostetlc choke heueluel 1 B E 9848 B Housinz choke thermostat X service pkg includes 1 CKAZ identified by 1 D on cover I 9F5E9 A bushing ous ng p nes c 0 B 3 uUE5 sH Screw C E 0 I 0 ivvsf fv BEV throttle shaft C washer No B 32 x 1 5 8 filuster head 1 BTK 053 LK Cover HHH S RlvasHer No H main body No B 32 x 1 2 fill hd 1 BBAE 9850 B Control thermostatic eheke id ntifi d by TD on cover MY 33qA gg3g A screen g1l19rj 7 B LA Bearing choke shalt CAIIIIRITOI PART Na IIA 95I0 Q CAIIUIITQI SIIVICE IAITS LIST Na 82 i Hn1 5U E eeket set I y3 Rod meteMng e 2 BVAZ 9A5Z6 A 5 000 to 10 000 ft altitude W 2 BYKZ A526 B 10 D 1 2 3 UU13 S l 1 19l Pg uel inlet l assa ze 259 x 5 32 Y S PP181 Ph Y F S PWS 2 Bertz maze A Jel mm seeehdery X malndbody 192 x 13 64 0 to 15 OOD it ammde rmu 1 head l e b dy 2 m z76 X 13 s4 flat head 1 B 7AZ 9529 A zgclellelgggr pump 1dent1 1ed by m mm U4 ere 2 piston me to horn c P g 2 5 S4 shaft No 1 32 X s sv 1 B 11 951154 Diaphragm secondary throttle 1 ggggpgp iatmg use with 1 Fins 2 mas TX Spring secondary throttle diaphragm Z Bn T return 1 3597345 Remher throttle operating rue 9 g DO tW iEa eprlng 1 B 1 1 mhz c5o4 n Red sece ary l rotlle control 1 5711 9507 0 Cover seeehdery throttle cllenhregml 4 B 1AZ BA536 B Gasket booster venturi snppm 6 359722 SB 34 Screw washer essy cover to diaphragm hSg N g gg X 1 zu 58 A Lever throttle shalt euxlllery 1 BYAZ 9A514 A Lever choke shaft mgi 1 34126 SBB 14 Nut choke shalt lever to lever essy N s sz 1 5 11 1 shsvllzesv sv Screw choke lever lh shaft at lever l 9LB mP esev Ne s s2 x a 4 nlllsler mm h kB F L cc l washer had Shaft anu lever chck h t choke I A 1 BBAZ 9A51 1 A Lever choke counter shalt operating 1 s 51 ave ecce pump se arge hee e 9A528 E vgmfi i L H 2 B12 seas c Pln float hlhee 1 een 0Asza c vehturlfeeeoudervl h H I 1 B7 956 D G S V E 1 zz 1 Venturi secondaxvi L H 2 Bax m B I 1 1 FIX 95 5 K RelEer pump operaliig rod used with B 1A 9531 0 rod or Hom pugs an COLE 913512 A d l 5 359702 S PP15 Plug accelerator pump passage Ln o F0 Y horn 1 4v 1as x s sz round hd I B K HW K Seat Bump ima ke check ball 1 576605 E 7 Screw E washer eh horn at plugs to 2 B K UW B Gasket firm valve seat main bodv N0 10 32 x 11 l6 1 BBA 95 16 B Valve hump check iillister head an Screw washer air heru sv plums to 4 maln body No tD 32 x 15 16 Z B7A 9578 A Snrimz idle adjusting needle sullt rinz sheared end cc continued on next page