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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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420 SECTION on FORD CJR PARTS CAIIIIIETOI PART llc IIA 95IO H CAIIIIIITOI SIIVICI PAITS LIST Na 74 CKHJF mr News memes ill hw sms cescumcw umn 1 sm eases Float c 1 B7AZ 9B550 B Bracket dashpot mounting bracket tc csrb en0 1o az X 1 2 1 4325 Z S8 U77 Screw 4 washer dashpot mounting 1 Aaslmaesw s Screw bracket to throttle body Ben Noscess X 1 m muster head 1 370050 S2 Screw accelerator pump lever 1 l34B03 S7 XEO Lockwasher NL10 BB537 adjusting No 10 32 x 50 hex 1 B7A 9557 B alve lloat howl vent head slotted 1 B 1A 9559 D owl Ez plugs iloat use with sm oszs A repl by sssz mxsuv c MM219 adjusting No 1D 32 x 1 ap ragm acce era or pump s float primary use with 1 BVA 9566 B Spring ump chan 5er vent pe1 s11 g Ll BBA 9528 B l NIE S XX2 RelBner operating rod spring ugs to carb ms ln 1 BBA 5B1 C Gaskel l esl MT prlm sry BB809 body No 12 24 x 2 5 1 B7T 9562 A Plug float housing luel level check screw NQ 4 x 5 16 24 x 1 4 slotted l me mu Valve E Sem ml H 1 B lTZ 9K55 K Economlzer stamped N0 E5 netsulec mp operati lever s li i s niz i E 7Z Z s ssss 1 pl 111 1ast idle cam lever 1 EVE 5 71 K Spring pump lever adjusting screw 1 BBA we A inlet 1 B7A 9516 A Gasket throttle body to main body 1 78 95 T6 Bak accelerator pump check YE dlam 1 BBA 9577 B Nozzle pump discharge 1 BBA 9518 B Body and shalt throttle 1 5 74E lj SEXBZZ Washer U4 E at Euna coated alum 1 50420 S7 Screwr pump clascllige 1eccle c body No i2 24 x 91 iillister head N 12 24 x 3 4 oval head mw 1 BBA we B Sprme llumule sop sc rew 41 2 cells LD mus 1 BZTZ 9A520 A Adaptor fuel inlet 2 I B2 overall i 40 9578 4 S ring last idle adjusting lever length has compression type seal 2 BIA 9580 A Gasket Emp discharge nozzle Kznpump dlscussge screw E l 1FHl 4 S Screw cam to throttle shaft lever l HEX SHI E Shait lv lever throttle i 5 No 6 20 X 3 B nan head slotted Z BTK ssas c Plate throttle 1 4 BH 9586 K Screw throttle plate S 1 BBA 9528 B Kit accelerator pump cover 2 EUK B5KH K Screw choke plate No 6 32 oval hd consists of the following 1THlAZ V Gasket lue evel check p ug l BBA 9528 B Cover 4 43250 S serviced ln kit 9502 Screw Rn weeher Sz 4459757 2 1 smz 9A58B A Gasket ecenemues Z EVE 9592 K Gasket iluat bowl screw 4 43250 S U70 Screw lh lockwasher accel pul nD 1 BBA 9597 B Cam last idle N 6 32 x 50 use with BM 9528 A cr T 9528 A 1 smz sAsn1 B Red cnclre control 4 5975 7 S2 BB52 Screw washer accel pump cover No 6 32 x 59 flllister head used 2 BTK SB34 K Seal ldle adjusting needle to attach BBA 9528 B cover to I H TK 89 E Spring accel pump diaphragm return B7A 9559 D E and BBA 9559 A C 2 E 7K 9H 7 A Washer fast idle rod seal float bowl 1 B7AZ QA753 B Shaft Rt lever choke housing 4 43255 SB U74 Screw Ez washer accel pum cover I BSKZ W12 K Spacer secondary throttle plate No 9 32 x 5 B filllster hd used control lever to attach BBA 9528 B cover to l EYK UZl Flston automatic choke ssa 9559 D E lost bowl 2 SUI 5553 B Jet mam metering No 49 D to 5 000 1 t altitude 1 B6 9842 A Clamp thermostatic choke hohsing Z U 9533 E N0 H 5 UUU to N5 lt altitude 8 Slwligd 1150 Screw clamp housing No B 3Z x 1 2 2 WK 9 H U N0 U IU UUU to ls mm lh Hlliflla 3 34902 S 7 X59 Lockwasher No 9 1 s Az eases c Lever lest mle 1ck u stsl 1 BVI 55 15 K Eever rest lale ad ust 5 l HKU SE U33 Screw E lockwasher lever to main body No 10 B2 K 3 8 main hodv No 8 32 x 1 25 2 BWI 55 ww Needle idle adjusting c chokQ 1 B7 9515 s Plate choke R H sues sud lever rclwkel 1 IC1AZ 9B549 A Dashpot 1 B 1A 99312 B Screen filter with retainer 1 J M gm BM FW l