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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964 |
413 FUND IR PIRTS section on CAIIIIIITOI PAIT N lIA 95I A CAIIIIIITOI SIIVICI PAITS LIST N 6I eanllnuod A K i l F iimndii m n 1 5 nu 4 immd 2 BSI SESS K Screw chdke plate No K2 oval HH 7 YU H SB Screw choke control to Body 1 CZAZ QASBB A Gasket economizer repl by No B 82 x 1 5 B lillister head C2AZ QASBB B 5 63 1 CEAZ SKSHE E Gasket economlzer 1 EBKZ 59 B Lever E shift second throttle plate I EBI QHEH K Gasket lllermosEstlc I HEI 95 K Rod seconduy Zliapldagm control 1 IZUME 5597 K Cam fast idle l 3511825 EXXS HeE1ner Iast Idle cam C washer N0 8 32 X 3 8 filllster head 1 CIKE 9871 A Gasket thermostatic choke housing l BHK SSS K Rod choke shaIt HHKZ SEIU I K ver a cel pun1 p overtravel 1 SEEK SB Retiher rod to choke shBt lever servlce pkg includes 1 NNIZG spring type 44 long C3AZ 9F5S9 A bushlng 7 359555 S XXSU Washer fast idle rod seal No 8 flat 7 l 574 55 QZXIBI Retalner pump overtravel lever to throttle shaft C washer 2 BYAZ 9599 A Retainer float lever shaft 3 1 l D 1 B7AZ 9812 A Spacer thermo choke shaft main body N0 8 32 X 1 A f1ll hd i i nostatic choke housing 4 Lu l r N c was er o 8 l BUKE SEIU H HouslE choke thermostat I identified by 1 n cover I EBI SH B Eouslhlg E plugs choke Z B IA 9974 B Screw fuel level lnspectton 3 El S5 SH Screw choke cont 0I housing to Ray 1 BIKZ TBUS Eearlng choke shift No B 32 x 1 5 B fillister head l BSI SUS JI Duhe secondary throttle control H 59 1 QXXZB Washer No S Ilat vacuum standard size use with S SZHUZ Sl XSS lZEkWasEer No B new 9984 horn only 1 EllT NWT 1 nBe secon d a r y zlii nme control l HHE SH U H Contiol Hdermoslitic choke vacuum OO2 0 5 use as service identified by TD on cover replacement for BBA 9997 A tube only e L CAIIUIITOI PART Ie IIA 95I C CAIIUIETOI SIRVICI PARTS LIST I 69 I EEK 95112 II GE ket set 1 B 7A 9507 B Cover secondary throttle diaphragm I Buxz gK5H6 B KII lfmle PI 7 4 31077 SB Screw cover to houslng I EEK SESS I Repair klt N0 8 32 X 5 B I 4 34802 S7 XSS Lockwasher No 8 I HSHIES S Il 65 Connector distributor vacuum tube I BBKZ SXEU B Eowl R plugs I oat secondary u se carb 1 B pipe thread with BBA 9528 B KH STU S2 Screw No Z x 3 IH drive used to 1 BSAZ 9A507 D Bowl plugs float prlrnary use with plug vent holes in sssy EEA 9528 B Kr 4 3 111350 S7 screws H BSS ld S2 Screw fuel bowl Plugs to carb main H lx SSUI K Housing H plug secondiry thrott e BEB09 bodv Nc 12 24 X 2 58 body No B 32 X l S ETHZ SBS K K Busldng secondary throttle shaft I BHIIIZ SHHUU K Eushing secondary throttle slEt I BIKZ SH II1 B Seal fast idle rod Center I Blum K II K HOHY E PI E5 mein m9 1 i sl D1 i 1 Y BTKZ 11 K Weight Emp discharge ball c retafnsr I BH WH I 5Fdv lmiini I I BUKZ SIIEIB E Body E plugs main metering second A I EHKZ SBSW C Spring secondary thrott e diaphragm 1 B 1AZ 9A515 B Rod an cel purnp link to vent lever return I HUB UHF I 1 BYAZ 90504 A Rod secondary throttle control I BTKZ K 1 l X Battle lloat how prlmary 2 353610 S8 Retainer rod to shalt spr1ng 1 B7K Z BXSI7 C EEI e I oat Bowl secondary NNIZG 44 Ong AR 359736 SEBEG Ecrew Rt washer throttle body to main 1 353854 SHIXXPBI Washer 12 7 134 llat body No 12 24 X H1 fillister head I EUKZ SKISUH K Eever accelerator pump operating 1 B 5ATg 5 3 Body and shEt thro e 1 3 10H50 S2 Screw accelerator pump lever Z ESI Z UK5 Id K Gasket maln metering body BB53 7 adjustLng No 10 32 X 5D hex 2 BGAZ BA519 A Spring float head slotted 1 BZTZ 9A52G A Adaptor fuel lnlet 27 K2 overall length has compression type seal adjusting No 10 32 x 26 continued on next page I