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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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FORD MR PARTS N 5 409 CAIIIJIETOI IAIT Ne ITA 95III AA CAIIIJIETOI SEIVICI PAITS I ISI II 65 nIlnu d ell uu Mr e gg I CUKE WEEE D HapHagm accelerator pu l1 lp Z E 9592 K Gasket float howl screw 57 Y0 g 5 B gp1 p ng p u mp c iam 5er veyli operating T B8 Wd 1 35Z8B5 SBlNN 91 Pin last idle cam to throttle body El shan l lsu X 3 4 groove 1 BBA 956l C Gasket float bowl primary 1 BBC 9564 F V 1v E wt i1 U I U I B TZ gx56 K E mlZ la P d NWG5 Z H K NM K Seal idle adjusting needle l KSUEYH S7 XX7 Retainer alr vent valve 1 BTK K3 B Spring accel pump dlaphrgm return I B U ggslmx sm 1f 1 1 Mm WV 1 B7AZ 9A I53 B shell lar lever rclrelre housing iB 7 WL K ll ruler eutemelrc choke 1 BSA v 9577 B Nozzle pump d1 11 r 1 5o420 s l Screw pump discharge nozzle 1 0 12 24 K 3 4 21 head 3 SIUH1 80356 Screw clam hous n a 2 2 1 s 1mW Vx0 ce elcel pump daecluu ge nozzle Ka pump s r discharge screw 1 BBA 9848 E Horus choke thermostat l BH k 9581 17 Shaft Kr lever throttle l 370049 SEEN Screw fast idle adjusting N0 H 32 x 5D illlister head maln body No B 32 x L25 1 TV GESTAY u ro ermcs e c ci Tlr Tu e l E B7K 95 s c Plate throttler 2 BTK K53 B Gasket chnke thermostatlc control Z EEK 95 K Screw throttle plate l E K HH B Gasket thermostatic choke housinz 2 ESX 5586 K Screw choke plate No 6 32 oval hd 1 B7A 9938 B Screen filter Wim retainer 1 B7AZ 9A5B8 A Gasket economizer lll BZXZ HKS K Gasket fuel inlet seat screw I EEZ GKSHHJK Gasket fuel eve cheek P 11 32 LD 42B O D 03l thick serviced in kit 9502 1 CAIIUIITOI PAIT Na I7A 95 0 AI CAIIIIIITOI SIIVICE PARTS LIST Ie 66 TF l 1 BZTZ QASZD A Adaptor fuel inlet 27 B2 overall 1 B 1AZ QASBS E Kit tune up length has compression type seal I BYKZ 5 6 F Repair kit 1 B7AZ 9526 A Gam accelerator pump diaphragm e i operating 1 s z4 i I 7316 16 ss Screw pump cam N 6 32 x 5716 slllleler head l 4 9 73 a T X84l LccRw H er er uc s e ee ruel tooth distributor vacuum diapllraam 1 BBA 95212 B Kit acccelerator pump cover used with power brakes brass consists of the following 90 elbow A 7 1 BBA 9528 B Cnver 4 43250 S r lbulcr vacuum tube to Screw lz weener sc 4 sslnsw sz g carb 1 B pipe thread Screw washer l 4 43250 S U70 Screw Kr lorkwasher acce1 um l l c s all x 50 uee with B 1A 0520 A or avr 9528 A identified by stamped N 36A 4 259151 s1l m5z Screw xc washer accel pump cover N s 22 x 50 1lll1eler pearl used l BE58 7 adjusting No lD 32 x 50 hex to attach BSA 9528 B cover to head slotted B 7A 9559 D E and BSA 9559 A C float bowl MMZIB ad usting No 10 32 x 26 Z 25255 SHI 7 Screw EZ washer accel pump cover 4 No B 32 x 5 B fllllster hd used primary use with le attach BBA sszaaa cover to BSA 9528 B BBA 9559 D E float bowl BB809 body No 12 24 x Z 5G 2 sg WY Jef mai metering N5 40 0 to 5 000 1e allleuue l balj l UUU ft altitude 2 K Plug luel level check 5 16 24 X I B 1 BTAZ 9A535 C Lever fast idle ick up 1 body N 1U B2 rr ll a AR 359 136 S2 B6 Screw sc weelrer 2 EWK FSIT K Needle lule adjusting r leedX Nc l2e24 x ll1 r1l er l eecl 4 H h FW HMH