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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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mw can usr m 3 5 1 CAIIIIIITOI PAIT Ie ITA 9510 H CAIIUIITOI SEIVICI IAIYS LIST Ic 4I sonllnuod I B 1 Z BKSH K Body Eplugs main metering primary l BIIZ 9B511 X Weight Emp dlscl ge Ball B7T 9528 A repl by BBAZ QA507 D T BR y mem Eel level check 5 1G Z4 x 1 B rod 1 BHZ EKSIFAE y E plugs main meierlig second 1 B 1AZ 9A515 E Rod accel pllmp link to vent lever Z Bl 955 LC Gasket lloaf Bowl pr1ma l y 1 EWS B5 6 E Ga kef thiol e Body to main Body 1 miz sheds K EE e mlzer ampe d l BH2 SKBGE H Economlzer stamped N0 105 secondary 1 ll1 sz WR s n eeelrler imp pe 1Tl g lever spli ta Blau lmdx N 12e2 l x 121 nlllsner head 2 BQTZ 9A51B A Gasket main metering 110dy l E KZ BHSGY K Spring last idle cam lever 2 BUZZ SIETS K Sprmg float 1 BTK 957 X Spring pump lever adjusting screw 1 vs new Ball taeeeleraler pump enem length has compression type seal 1 B diameter 1 B lAZ 9526 A Gam accelerator Pump diaphragm 1 EHR 957 7 K Nozz e pump ddschirge 7 operating 1 50420 S7 7 W Screw pump discharge nozzle Ne 12 24 r a 4 oval head lillister head I SU 5 TH Spring fast idle Ejustlng lever 72 B 1 E 9 5 0 K rGEsket Hmp discharge nozzle lz pump 1 f discharge screw 1 eenslsls of me lollowing 1 HHK s iiE smc o lever throttle 17BBA 9528 B Cover 4 43250 S WT 370049 S EBU Screw last ldle adjusting Screw washer Kt 4 359757 S2 Nu1B 32 x 50 flllister head Screw washer 1 B K UEHS B Ever secondary Eome HHapl1Ya grn 4 43250 S U70 Screw K lockwasher accel pump 1 HZBU2 SK USS Screw RE lockwasher seconHary No 6 32 x 50 throttle diaphragm lever N0 10 32 x 3 8 N 8 32x5 8 L1 l1 lster hd usegl 1 to attach B8A 9528 B cover to 2 BSK SEEK K Screw choke plate No 6 82 oval hd BBA 9559 D E float b w1 2 AHAZ 9A5Btl A Gasket fuel level check plug serviced in kit 9502 No 55 D to 5 000 fl altitude 8 BHX ESB K Gasket Float bowl screw 2 BTl 74 9533 H No ST EYOUDQFTOYDUU ir altitude i 7KZ 9K5 2 C ever E shaft second throttle plate to 15 UU Y fL 1litude spread 1erx set Ne 0 sz x 18 No 48 0 to 5 000 fL altitude j BgA g5gq 5 jam fas dlp 1 1 352895 S8CNY 75Pln last idle cam to throttle body Kr 1 1 3 1 15 X 3 4 gmpve 1 I B K QSELK mae 1 7 7 EW ml FT BTAZ lzhslamla Rod enpke control 1 p1ek up T eE r 2 B TA 1m J Seil 1dl e edjutmg needle 1 TAT1 B 635 Spring1accel pump alapnragm 1 vm 1 body No 10 32 x 3 8 2 Hllk SBZ7 A Washer ast idle rod seal 1 1 B lAZ 92 1753 B Shalt Kr lever choke housing 1 1 Y 5640 B Piston laummetle enexei 1 1 355B29 SW 15Nut piston to choke lpvslnel u a ss 1 1 alH 0 z s7I 5 mx Ldelrwesleer nds 1 I EWR QHIH Shaft and lever choke 1 1 CIAZ BB549 A Dashpot AA 1 BKK SH42 K Clamp thermostatic choke housing 2 1 1061 sa U5 i Screw clamp l rJ g N B sz x 1 2 1 1 a T 3lBUiZ 7lX595 Ldelrwasner nds 1 1 EFX 9848 E Hons choke thermostat 1 2 351826 S XX2l Retainer float bowl 3 5 3 7 SBHSU Screw Xi washer choke Euuslng to 1 1 B7AZ 95550 B Bracket dashpot mounting main bod No B B2 x 1 25 1 1 ME03 871XGm L0ckwasher No l0 1 1 356736 S7 8 Screw bracket to throttle body 1 B7 U K Conlru lhermoslallc choke 1 BBN No 10 24 x 1 2 muster head 1 BWI GHS B Gasket tsecondiy Hlaphragm 1 2 B K SEES B Gasket choke tllermostatic control 1 1 B K 955 7 K Valve float bowl vent secondary 1 H lnk QE l1 E Gasket thermostatlc choke housing 1 B 1A 9557 B Valve float bowl vent 1 B 7A 9938 13 Screen filter with retainer I B K 9 5 B Eowl E plugs fuel primary rep by A1 BZAZ 9945 A Gasket fuel lnlet seat screw 1 B7A 9559 E 81 B719528 A 32 L D 428 O D 03l tI uck A Serviced in 9502 kit onlv