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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964 |
ran on r 777 R ART SECTION an CAIIIUIITOI IAIT N I7A 95I0 A CAIIIIIETGI SIIVICI IAITS LIST II I nI nu d A uu mum aucumua mu uuuu uscumuu I Bm USHI I5 Shaft EE lever throttle 1 B lAZ I8l2 A gpacer thermo choke shaft h I HK 9 I Cap accelerator pum glunger acce erator p rua p uuger I BVI SMH li Screen Trller 1 I BWI BWI B Screw fuel lcvel inspection I BIZ WEB I Relilner lEle bellcrank 3 SIUh1 S8 h 5U Screw clamp houslnz No 8 S2 x 1 Z 2 BH2 9992 I Eearmg choke shift jp h rW I 599H svmwvll Plil l lver m y i 7l X 172 spl lrl I BWI SSH I Ylate thermostatic Z E I 9 HG K Screw lhrottl plate Z 59 953 5 A gc w cliulie p ale N GJ avi R 1 YGAE 9A588 A casket p control va ve housing No B 32 x 1 2 fil1ister head 5 7 LD 75 0 0 015 thick 1 H8l S7 X5 Eockwasher No H I B I mug Housing E plugs choke I H I 57 K Cam last iElle I 3l7H7 S8 Screw housing to mali l1 Hy I H2 S PCI Retainer spring 3732 fast idle cam No 8 82 x I 1 2 fillister head gl bella any I HSHEEE SHE Washer fa i H1e cam to Eellcrank No 8 32 x I XX43 N 4 tlat I I lIII3 U HG Wa Eer N B Hal I I 7K27I S RI Relimer spring last iHIe rE to b6 cpa k 3 ggw as E as gd E EEa j N0j Tfl e a No B 32 x 1 4 YI 7 427I S7 RI Eetamer ro to choke housing shaft E I H K W I K Gasltet automatic chohe piston hsg lever spring 3 32 I B I WEEK Cover eoonomlzer valve I B 7K BUYS I Spring accel pG I BIUBI SBI U5 Screw economizer valve cover lp l I B KZ 9K75T I Shall E lever choke hcuslhg main body No H 32 x 1 Z fill hd I 3HI Z S7 YH Eockwasher N0 6 CAIIIIIETOI IAIT Ihr I7A 95IO I CAIIUIETOI SIIVICI IAITS LIST lo I2 I H XZ 9 UZ E Garsliet set 1 371350 SKK Ball accelerator pump Inlet passage K1 E he up 3 16 steel I BZIZ l59U C Repair kit 1 359353 SlPI H Plug to plug hole from bowl to l accelerator pump 1 la cup Q 4 HUH I SEIWWVE EtuH 57IG IH 24 x I H7 1 BTAZ 9A5l5 A Rod accel pump link to vent lever 5 I BBIUSU EKHVl7l7UlNut 5716 24 Wh 7 A 1 142 71 S llF l Retainer accel pump Ltnk to vent I HFIIU SIIIIIH Lockwasl ler 571 lever rod to cover spring 3 82 I I 5UlU lU IY7 Connector ca h to tubes to fuel pump 1 B 1AZ 9A52D A Adaptor fuel inlet 1 2 2D intel rlal sa distributor vacuum alapluaem A M6 24 external r d l e used with power bra kes brass I i B A E5 mug IIEEI HIRE SE I I l lI I IH 900 ellmw diameter Z225 I 559 7 S H U c6 uueclcr vacuum tube to carl 17 I BJYZ Hm K EPPUTI W f ventirll nH ry 3 16 tube threaded sleeve I Zg2I S8 I IIZII screw v fEI a Y SUPPOFI lv carb 1 4 20 x1 pa l l head I BTKZ 95501 A seal aag idle md 77 1 371350 S KK Ball accelerator pump discharge 1 34D l9 S 1ll7lI Nut No 1D 3E valve 3 IG steel 1 34B05 S7lXHI Lockwasher No I 1 BWSZ E I 23 G Support 5 sler venlirl prlma ry I BVI BSU K Diaphragm c r l y tllrulllej I BTK F5 U H r Kplues wl f 5 1525U H W E Washer I I PII IES IU main return body No 10 Q2 x 5 B p I mm SIXXSII W Fer F 4 T F I6 mm l T Hy I HISBE SB Screw l a m cover to carb N 6 mt No B 32 x 3 4 1 W HH 4 SB XGI Eochwa rZN 8 4 alaoz sv X59 Lockwasher NoT c 1 B lA 9528 B Cover accelerator pump less link 4 43255 S8 U74 Screw Rl washer cover to carb rrT iH No B 32 x 5 8 l 2 5 940 S PP 9 Plug lu plug drill passages in main I B16 95Z9 Ai e Link I P m T I lmdvy 5 l6 1 353847 SB Pin accelerator pump link to cover T NNl09 187 x 50 diameter roll