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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964 |
360 SECTION an FORD CJR PIR gA lA lg ISA 9 0 V CARIIIIITDK SIIVICI PAIT5 LIST Ih 30 2 1f 1111 uuum uue1m11 1 1 11 M11 u11e1m1e 1 6 cperat me lever J 1 EAA 9569 A Gasket float needle seat 1 e2A 95 14 H Screw Hscllarge nozzle N 10 32 X 64 qverall lenyh lllllster head 1 35582 S ll 3 Connector carl to tu5e ass y V 5 IG tlared tube 1 EAA 9576 K Ball accelerator pump check 156 dlameter VBHZ 9B50E K Screw Hashpot E throttle lever ad 2 7B 9576 Ball accelerator pump check not suppliedwith carb order separately 1 8 giraljeter i r 1 BYKZ SBS K Screw dashpot operating lever N Hr N0 B 32 x 59 slotted binding head 1 EAA 9577 13 Nozzle aSSy pump dlscharge 1e l l l1e11l 1111 1 11 1 f ierseparately 1 mA ss la B spr111 ll1pume aaju el lup screlw 1 NV34H03 S7 XHU Lockwasher N l notsupp11ed with 4 l 2 c01ls 20 LD 5E long carb 0rder separately 1 AD 9578 Sprlng ldle adjusting needle 1 34l0 19 S7 M16 Nut No 10 n0t supplied with carl 7 1 5eP m 1 1 EAA 9580 A Gasket aleehepge pump 11ez Tzle e W I D x 32 O D D3 thick 1 CDH 5117 Kr Bewl H Piles s g 1 e metal 1 W1 1 4A 9581 A Lever e1111 enen eeey ppmiw 4 81644 57 Screw B w1 to main Body ummm 1 71 I1 1Ez X 3iiQ11111et heed 1 w EAA ss a A Lever accelerator pump epemerl 4 a4aoa s l X D7 L0El wasl Ner O 1 6 1 t B4A 9585 A Plate throttle 1 BSA 9512 K Bedv ess y mein BQA 9m A crew rottle plemw 11 G7 2 1 1 BBA 9516 C Gasket throttle Body to main Body DVM head 1 BZAZ 9A5HH K Gasket eccnomlzer valve 1 EEK 95lF S BY 0dy G shaft ass y throttle 2 353620 S100 Screw U1r tt1e Edy to main body 1 B5A 9594 Jet mal 1 well assy power BB 1 2 1 V2 musm d a emzmesv Screw jet 111 melu well to mem l11111y L 34B05 SB XS2 Lockwasher l74 A NO 6 32 X 7 me hlhstex head I Z 35379968 Screw jet maHiwellT rmHn bodwr 1 B5A 9525 A Link accelerator pump Nu 6 32 X 7511 hluster head 2 35 1 Smi1EF E s s lsvms el 11 1 11u1 s1 11111 1 ep1wee11e1 N 6 1 lclvl asm A Ball llmnlle lever 1 140112 s 1 1vl1e l1 Numlurenleleve1 Eull eNe ll 3 hex 1 5BA 9533 D No 45 5 000 to 10 000 it alt 1 78 9541 B Needle ldle adjuSt l ng l 3 16 long 1 mm 9802 A l e Ei clashpot 6peml11g u l euppued includes gasket 1111111 ee1b e111ler separately 7 4 1 BZA r B08 K Retainer float bowl use wltin glass l r B5A 9549 C Plate assy choke hhwl only 4 BZK 9809 K cl 11 Yi1 a1 lz wl t 1 ll1 l 11 Cl 1 me pul ueey 11111 eupp11e11 wl gm 0 1 1 s W servlcecarburetors Order separately 4 31644 3 5 ew lamh N 10 32 X 3 4 1 34805 S 7lX Z L cEwasher 5 16 n0t Supp led with guhstu head Service carburetors Order separately 1 SSS Sl MK2 Nut 7 1G Z not supplxea with 1 egg 4 ceekel fuel lnlet fitting 1 i BEA 9930 E Cover ecmlomizer valve 1 QA 9 50 L Float aSsy repl bvC2AZ9550 A 1 63 C 1 la2A 99a4 X Sleeve pump pueli md 11 0 D 7 1 2D long 1 13511 9551 Pin F Ke pl e ZHs 1B 1 r 1 EAA was B spplug acc e lT pump rod plunger 1 l 1 27 0 11 1 34 10ng l3 eulle 1 BZAZ 9561 A Gasket lloat Howl retainer 3 81 1ong Q EAA gg36 A Dplhh f pump dlaphyagm 2 19 w1de use with glass bowl only rg m c nE hapEd 5 Col r 1 CZAZ 9561 C Gasket liloat Eowl h l A1 BZAZ ssais A Gasket fue l 111lel eee screw 1 CODE 956Z B Arvialve E seat assy luel lnlet 32 LD 42B 0 D 03l thlck 1 A Servlced ln 9502 klt olllv A l 1