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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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32 4 SECTION 95 CARBURETOR IDENTIFICATION CHART anew n canaunsmn S2 EAR noe ea M as g a L 3 i ZAL 55 NUMBER A e AA A A AAA A A ww A A A WA M W A M L jj Ee us ra on 2 1 A5 F 5 AAA A HEEKLEH AA A5 A AA WW1 E A 5 SAA 5 A pim E B 95 F 52 53 Arwnh F M See 1 115 E B F 54 A VZ E1 A 5 A AT H 55 5 Wim 5 T 50 D C B A Q5 Q A0 55 A B2 I P Spe ia1wiE1 rz r A 2 A u5As5 0 N 2 55 s with F M 292 I 1 55 A with s T or 0 D E 27 W eei us ra un W1 t ia A 9510AF 2 55 A withF M 27 ee usra on A A BA p 2 55 LV BA A 55 A i82 1 1 1 specio1wit F M A A or A A A s A A B A 0 R 55 s with F M L 55 A E 2 12 1 1 seei ustration mug ia A 95 0 P 26 S I 5 ECK 9510 S 5 A B2t 1t s peciatvAith1 1 t A A e AA e A R 2 55 s Eck 9510 1 37 55 AMA 5 T A 0 D EIHEKIS1 5 A WA F M II 72 H5 6 M 55 S F L S W w1th TRAO A A A 475 ECU 951D R 5 5 95 0 Q 55 ai Ecz 9510eA 58 s 1 L s w A specia1 292 312 1 1 A aA A A v sa A A A with F M Ecz 9510 B VIVVIV Y 56 1 L s w A Specia1 A A UEr V A A I w B A 5 A q ECZ 9510 G or H ECZ 9510 LA nr M A ECZ 9510 LM or M N Stamping identification is located on main body K Stamping identitication is located on throttle body nange Nor 2 High ii nozzle bar type i Service package inciudes 1 BAC 9441 A gasket 1 TB 9521 A plunger and 1 1a asm spring 5 6 instructions fur using on Standard cr Fordomatic transmission included tn carburetor contarner non a 0n units manufactured hetore December 21 1954 use with B5sz 9A659 A air cieaner screws tor Thunderbird Main budv cover stamped 28 N 5 Main body dover stamped 25 nor IO Main body cover stamped as on units tziariufactured rrornuec 21 1954 t Apr 21 1955 use w B5Sz BA659A a ir cieanerscrew Main body cover stamped 0 on units manutactured si cm December 27 1954 to Aprii 12 1o55 r 2 Replacement sor factory installed carhuretors Ecu saw 1v1 and scc nsw N from approximately aannary az 1e55 W service package includes mounting gasket N E I4 Main body cover stamped 23A on units manufactured after April 12 1955 use with B5sz QAB59 A air cleaner screw I5 Main body cover stamped SOA on units manuzactured after Apr11 12 1955 non ts When replaced by BEA 9510 Q 1 each C1Az BB549 A B1Az QB5D2 A B5AZ 911550eA required Non 11 when used with Fordonnatic 1 each CIAZ 9B549 A B1AZ 9B5U2 A B5AZ 9B550 A required nor ts When used with Thunderbird remove BGA 9851 A shield also replace BEAZ 9A55 AA screw with Bzssz 9A659eA Q hou as Servicepkg includesmuununggasketanda1s0 1 B4TZ B529 A pumpunk identmed Use tor S 1 O D transmissions Remove Llnk stamped c xrom carburetor and 1nstaJ t L nk stamped D in number 1 posittonw NOT 37 When used un Thunderbird reptace BZTZ 9A659 A with BSSZ 9A659 A air cieaner screwr I Refer to page indicated in ltiustration Section 95 form FD 9463 K