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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964 |
l 1 Fakv can PART GENERAL xv r INFORMATION t PATENT PLATE Iiuimnuiu TRIM SCHEME CODES CODE TRIM SCIIEME CODE TRIM SCHEME OZ Blue Ribbed Vinyl Bolster and Blue Random Block 57 Radiant Colonial White Sol Textured Vinyl Bolster Fabric and l orchRed Striped Nub Fabric with Silver Straig t 03 Green Ribbed Vinyl Bolster and Green Random Block V 58 Radiant Colonial White Soi Textured Vinyl Bolster I F br 07 Blue Tweedweave Fabric Bolster and Blue Linen 59 Medium glue shantupg Vinyl Pattern Cloth with Silver Fleck 60 Medium Brown Shantu Vin l 08 Green Tweedweave Fabric Bolster and Green Linen 024 Radiant BME 5 J exgm Ed Vinyl Bqlggey and Pattern Cloth with Silver Fleck Blue shadcwenve Fabnc 09 Emma Tweedweave Fabm Bdsm and B waz Radiant Green set Textured vinvi mister ami Green Linen Pattern Cloth with Silver Fleck shadowwaave Fabric 10 GN l d F b B 1 d Gm Ll T riimneise rWee Weave Fabric Holster and Turquoise P CMP Wh Sil Fmk ninenerettern cietii with Silver Fleck ll Turuuoise Tweedweaye Fabric Holster and Turquoise 121 Gray Twegdwgave Fabric Bdsm and Gord una Linen Pattern Cloth with Silver Fleck Pattern Cloth with Silver Flack r 12 Gm M w v F 0 5 6 GM Lim eee radiant sliver s ar rar araa Vinvl Beister and I Pattern Cloth with Silver Fleck Gunsmoke Shaduweave Fabric 2 Z5 B tg E rig a J 1 r Blue 1 am mia Twaatiweave Fabric Boxster and mee Llnenr Zi Fm M T v v1 as i 2 a ti2k iLEiiita ata aa an W P vm striped Nub rem ie with siiver strand 29 G k Ribbed v T 1 Bdsm d G k an Green rWeetiWeave Fabric Beister and Green Linen i Random Block Fabric P C1 h h S F1 K i so Radiant mue set Textured Vinvl Bolster and miie ef Shndcweave Fabric 3iZ Radi ant Green Soi Textured Vinyl Bolster and Green t an neaiirtt Blue set Textured viiivi muster ami Blue s d b F b s s l stri ed Nub Fabric Wim silver Strand 323 Grav Tweedweave Fabric Bolster and Gray Linen 1 ai nsdiatit Green Sof Textured vmvi eeister and Green P Cl S l Fleck i Shldcweave Frbric 331 Bronze Tweedweave Fabric Bolster and Bronze i l Radiant Green Soi Textured Viny Bo ster an reen l inen Pattern Cloth with Silver Fleck r Striped Nub Fabric with Silver strand 33i Radiant Bronze Soi Textured Vinyl Holster and 3 R Sum S m my 01 M aaa aE ti Z 9r iF it vm saaa and i Gunsmoke Shsdoweave Fabric 33 Radiant Bronze soiwrextured vmvi 5On 341 RB nie1Stri ed Nu repre Wigniivri srgiitid d 33 Radiant Bronze Sol Textured Vinyl Bolster and Tum uoise Striped Nub Fabric with Silver Strand Bronze Striped Nub Fabric with Silver Strand 371 Radiant Colonial White Sof T extured Vtnyl Bolster t 34 Radiant Turquoise Soi Textured Vinyl Bolster and 7 and Geranium Striped Nub Fabric with Silver Strand Turquoise Striped Nub Fabric with Silver Strand 381 Radiant Gold Soi Textured Vinyl Holster and Raven 37 Radiant Colonial Whim Sof Textured Vinyl Bols er Striwed Nub Fabric with Silver Strand and Geranium Striped Nub Fabric with Silver Strand 571 Radiant Colonial White Soi l ex ured Vinyl Bolster 38 Radiant Gold Sof Textured Vinyl Bolster and Raven i zrngTorch RedStrinedNub Fabric with Silver Strand Striped Nub Fabric with Silver Strand THUNDEIIIIB 39 Radiant Blue Soi Textured Vinyl Bolster an Blue 1X Blue Sol Textured Vinyl Bolster and Blue Nylon Shantuu Pattern Vin l Check Fabric with Silver Strand 40 Radiant Green Sol Teiltured Vinyl Bolster and Green 2x Green Sol Textured Vinyl Bolster and Green Nylon Shsntung Pattern Vinyl Check Fabric with Silver Strand 45 Radiant Green Soi Textured Vinyl Bolstier and Green B Turquoise Soi Textured Vinyl Bolster and Turquoise Thong Pattern Plasti Fab Weave with Gold Strand Nylon Check Fabric with Silver Strand 7 46 Radiant Colonial White Soi Textured Vinyl Bolster I VV 4X Rgvgnrsui Textured Vinyl Bolster and Raven and Red Thong Pattern Plasti Fabweave with GoldStrand White Nylon Check Fabric withrsilver Strand in 4 l Radiant Bronze Sol Textured Vinyl Holster and sx Blue Soi Textured Vinyl Bolster and Blue Soi Bronze Shantung Pattern Vinyl Textured Vinyl 48 Radiant Geranium Soi Textured Vinyl Bolster and V V Green Sof Textured Vinyl Bolster and Colonial Raven Striped Nub Fabric with Silver Strand White Soi Textured Vinyl r 49 Radiant Blue Soi Textured Vinyl Bolster and Radiant V V 7X K 1rquoiVseVSoi Textured Vinyl Bolster and Colonial Blue Pleated Soi Textured Vinyl White Sol Textured Vinyl 51 Radiant Turquoise Sof Textured Vinyl Bolster and sx Raven Soi Textured Vinyl Bolater and Colonial Padiant Turquoise Pleated So Textured Vinyl White Soi Textured Vinyl f 52 Radiant Gold Soi Textured Vinyl Bolster and Raven Torch Red Sol Textured Vinyl Bolster and Colonial Pleated Sof Textured Vinyl r Vlhite Soi Textured Vinyi fs 53 Radiant Geranium Sol Textured Vinyl Holster and IY Raven Genuine Top Grain leather i t Raven Pleated Sol Textured Vinyl ZY l l iVckory Tan Genuine Top Grain Leather Torc Re S0 Texture Viny o s er an aven WBRIV Turquoise Genuine Top Grain Leather Pleated Sol Textured Vinyl 4Y VTorch Red Gendine Top Grain Leather 56 Torch Red Soi Textured Vinyl Holster and Raven V V V5Y Hickory Tan Soi Textured Vinyl Bolster and Colonial Striped Nub Fabric with Silver Strand White Soi Textured Vinyl Q