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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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7 XIV GENERAL m mM N FORD 04R PARTS we PATENT PLATE llmmuuzn TRIM SCHEME CODES CODE TRIM SDHEPE CODE TRM SCHEME Silver and Gray Shantunz Vinyl and Gray Random KJ Colonial Vinyl and Red Silver Shadow Fabric 4 B1 k Fabric f Kn Willow cimn Gi nn vin ni Green Flying om or Starmist Chain Grain Vinyl and Blue Silver Dash Green suve Da h Fabric f vr Blue Flying Dart Fabric R Blue snekeaweeve Fabrgic and Brlue Sculpgd riL W m k 1 i Grain Vinyl and Gray Silv r sh 7 Green e ivT iT T Fabr4ic aFH3 Sculptured or Gray Flying Dart Fabric V Fabric Doeskin Chain Grain Vinyl and Brown Silver Dash T Raven vinyl and Gold Ripp g v5abijL 1 Fabric r j u Colonial vinyl ana F1ern nneeeed or Pleamd H Colonial Vinyl and Blue Tropical Leai or Blue Flame vgny fi Silver Shadow Fabric t D e vinyi e nd nrs1rin H1asnxe 4 J c 1 nmviny1 and Green Trepxeai Len or Green Z e1en Tm en siiver Tweed weven or Tan Silver Shadow Fabric e f Silver Tweed Pufi Woven Plastic K Colonial Vinyl and Gray Tropical Leaf Fabric BC Blue Mrweeve vinf L Colonial Vinyl and Brown Tropical Leaf or Brown BD Green Aiwjeeve Vinvlr Silver Shadow Fabric BE Black Airweave Vinyl F Gray Basket Weave Fabric and Gray Sculptured Fabric BF Re Airw ave Vin l Brown Basket Weave Fabric and Brown Sculptured gg Brown Mpweave Vinyl K Fabric Gol Basket Weave Fabric and Black Sculptured Fabric t U Colonial Vinyl and Black Silver Shadow Fabric i I H U ND EIII I D i X Colonial Vinyl and Blue Silver Tweed Woven or Blue Pleated Raven Vinyl and Pleated Colonial Vinyl Silver Tweed Puii Woven Plastic f Xl l Pleated Flame Vinyl j i Colonial Vinyl and Raven Embossed Vinyl XJ Pleated Bronze Vinyl V 4 i B Colonial Vinyl and Dresden Embossed or Blue 7 XK l Pleated Colonial Vinyl i French Stitch Vinyl XL Pleated Dresden Vinyl and Pleated Starmist Vinyl i AC Colonial Vinyl and Cumberland Embossed or XM Pleated Cumberland Vinyl and PleatedWillow Vinyl Pleated Cumberland Vinyl y g 1958 A Silver Shantunz Vinyl and Silver Lattice Pattern Z o onia exture Viny a c pcor Fabric Embossed Vinyl C B ue u Texture iny an ue ox ripe a r c AB Beige i Textured Vinyl and Shadow Pattern Y or Blue Random Block Patterned Fabric or Blue Woven Plastic Royal Scot Tweed AC Blue Sot Textured Vinyl and Blue Basket Weave reen o enrture iny an reen rip Plastic or Blue Thong Patterned Plasti Fab Fabric or Green Random Block Patterned Fabric AB Beige Sol Textured Vinyl and Brown Basket Weave or Green Royal Scot Tweed Plastic or Brown Thong Patterned Plasti Fab 7 WY 0 9 my 3 NY X Til AJ Gray Shadow Block Patterned and Gray Damask Fabric or Gray Random Block Patterned Fabric Cloth F eige o e ur iny an rown n om o AK Colonial Soi Textured Vinyl and Gulfstream Royal t Patterned Fabric or Brown Royal Scot Tweed i Scot Tweed L oonia o endure iny a ck ndom oc AL olonia f Textured Vinyl and Gulfstream V Patterned Fabric or Black Hoyal Scot Tweed Whi cord Embossed Vinyl l l olonia o Ten ture inyl a a omino ya AM Gold Textured Vinyl and Black Royal Scot Tweec Scot Tweed M CZ Blue Soi Textured Vinyl and Blue Random Block I B ue hadow ock Pattern a ue Damas patterned Fabric Cloth DZ Green Sof Textured Vinyl and Green Randomelilock t K reen a ow G oc a erne an reen l mas patterned Fabric Cloth EZ Gray Sof Textured Vinyl and Gray Random Block rown ha ow a ock Patterne a rown Damask Pat erned Fabric Cloth R V i n nw n ttern e Ge nmeek 7 w He 7 7 4 t Cloth ue e re ny an ue ig a wee i ni extvr iny a ya we reen e ure v ny an i een ig an we 1 Tweed r ac e ure iny a ac ig an wee i U ue o extur my a ue ipcor uean ie e ure iny Embossed Vinyl or Blue Embossed Stitch Vinyl reen a e e my Z V reen endur Viny a reen lpcor an ie o e ure ny Q Embossed Vinyl or Green Sol Textured Vinyl ac an e o e ure my 0 onia extur iny a a omino ipcor 7 u s Embossed Vinyl Highland Tweed oona w e ur iny an rr ipcor XE a mnoa e o e ure ny Embossed Vin lor Red Sot Textured Vin l u s ream an i e e ure iny Lur 1 an may Tyner 108 and ns nnrr my 9 1958 t 4 C