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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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FORD CIR PARTS GENE xm INFORMATION y PATENT PLATE nnuuuucn i BODY STYLE CODES I S S L NNE N 5 HEHE H 1 c nVem 1e C C C C C C Tudor Vicwria V V V V E A skvnner 1 F F I I rCrown vmom 111 11 ZK1111 11111 Fcrdvr Victnrin 11 F N 11 Falrlanetit Fairlane so0 V V V mnenenc j F I Town 5 cum vlctonxn Thunderbird jj Il III Fairlane soo Hide Fway w w w g 111 H Herder 2 Mninnne Rnneh Weeen W W W 11 nlm i cnsunninne Ranch Wagon Q 1 I Country Sedan x x x x x X cnsemnncnstmn 300 Ranc Country Squire Y Y Y Y Y Y Y i Wa on Kt Countr Sedan Q Au num Fordor Tudor o c G G Seden Delivery KHIIE E Mainline at Customline Cnestlme Fender Sedan T I Custom an Custom a0o G G G A Q llilll Y F d r Seeen 11 Y1 KKKZZK ennnere ene e 111 KH Falrlane Ez Falrlane 500 T T F air ine SUU u or f Town SedanE4Cluh Sedan Fnrdor Galexle series 1 I 1 1111 I 1111 11 111 I 1111 A 111111 111111 V 111111 112111 H 1ZKH H1ZHZ TRIM SCHEME CODES 00DE TRIM SCHEME DUDE TRIM SCNEIE r B ight nine Vinyl and Medium eine HGH on mgm Gray vinyl and ml k Gray nndyunntn V Light Green Vinyl and Medium Green Clnth BF mink Gray Dark Gray Vinyl and Light Gray Cloth EG White and Orange Vinyl n H Light Blue and Medium Blue Cloth BH White Vinyl and Medium Blue Woven Plastic j 7 Dark Green and Medium Green Cloth BJ Medium Brown and Medium Brown Cloth TQ ark ray and Medium Gray Cloth BL White Vinyl and Red Bodycloth T edlum and Light Green Vinyl BM ium Blue and White Vinyl y Red and White Vinyl BN Black and White Vinyl V n te inyl and Black Cloth B hlte Vinyl and Medium Blue Woven Plastic Black Vinyl and Red CELLA ES White Vinyl and Medium Blue Cloth V J Dark Brown Vinyl BU nite a Red Vinyl leated N hlte Vinyl and Dark Peacock Cloth BV White and Dark Peacock Vinyl q im Light Green Vinyl and Medium Green Woven Plastic BZ Medium Blue Vinyl and Medium Blue Bodycloth J T White Linyl a c Me iurn Green Vinyl and Medium Green Bodycloth V V Light an Medium Blue Vinyl V T inn I and Dark Brown Vinyl TTHUNDEIIIID Y Z M ium Brown Vinyl and Medium Brown WovenPl a etic Black and White Vinyl ll 7 Meditur Brown Vinyl and Dark Brown Vinyl XB Re and White Vinyl V ci Medium Blue Vinyl and Light Blue Woven Plastic XC Dark Peacock and White Vinyl f gu Medium Green Vinyl and Light Green Woven Plastic XF Green and White Vinyl r White Vinyl and Medium Brown Woven Plastic XG Brown and White Vinyl 5 Tir AQ s F